MMIC Die - Amplifiers, Attenuators, Couplers, Filters, Mixers ...
Mini-Circuits offers a broad selection of MMIC components in bare die format for your chip and wire integration, including amplifiers, attenuators, couplers, filters, mixers, multipliers, and splitter/combiners. Wide selection of models spanning DC to mmWave; Available in small quantity gel-paks, partial and full wafers
MMIC Amplifiers | Microchip Technology
Whether you are looking for a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA), driver amplifier, distributed amplifier, band-specific MMIC amplifier or a PA, our portfolio of MMIC amplifiers targets a broad range of applications including those in 5G, electronic warfare, radars, test and measurement and Satellite and Military Communications (Satcom).
HMC635-DIE Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The HMC635 is a GaAs PHEMT MMIC Driver Amplifier die which operates between 18 and 40 GHz. The amplifier provides 19.5 dB of gain, +29 dBm Output IP3, and +23 dBm of output power at 1 dB gain compression, while requiring 280 mA from a +5V supply.
Monolithic microwave integrated circuit - Wikipedia
Monolithic microwave integrated circuit, or MMIC (sometimes pronounced "mimic"), is a type of integrated circuit (IC) device that operates at microwave frequencies (300 MHz to 300 GHz). These devices typically perform functions such as microwave mixing, power amplification, low-noise amplification, and high-frequency switching.
RF Power Amplifiers MMICS - MACOM
MACOM partners with today’s leaders in Test and Measurement, SATCOM, Aerospace and Defense, Public Safety Radios, Wired Broadband, and Industrial Scientific and Medical applications to deliver industry leading, high-performance MMIC solutions in bare die and high performance packaging.
HMC939A-DIE Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
2016年1月22日 · The HMC939A die is a broadband 5-bit GaAs IC digital attenuator MMIC chip. Covering 0.1 to 40 GHz, the insertion loss is less than 5 dB typical. The attenuator bit values are 1.0 (LSB), 2, 4, 8, 16 for a total attenuation of 31 dB.
IQ Mixer MMIC Die - Mini-Circuits Blog
2022年10月13日 · Mini-Circuits’ new SMIQ-653H-D+ MMIC IQ mixer die provides an RF and LO frequency range from 18 to 65 GHz and an IF bandwidth from DC to 20 GHz. This model is usable as a single-sideband upconverter in transmit applications and an image-reject mixer in receiver applications including mmWave 5G, Satcom, radar and more.
HMC8400-DIE 2GHz至30GHz,GaAs pHEMT MMIC低噪声放大器 …
2025年3月12日 · hmc8400是一款砷化镓(gaas)、假晶高电子迁移率晶体管(phemt)、单芯片微波集成电路(mmic)。 HMC8400是一款宽带低噪声放大器,工作频率范围为2 GHz至30 GHz. 该放大器提供13.5 dB增益、2 dB噪声系数、26.5 dBm输出IP3和14.5 dBm输出功率(1 dB增益压缩),功耗为67 mA(采用5 V电源 ...
Microsemi recommends epoxy die attach with Ablestick 84-1LMI adhesive for most applications. Advantages of epoxy die attach include production efficiency, reduced rework, increased placement accuracy, and less sensitivity to thermal expansion mismatch of the GaAs MMIC to its mounting substrate.
HMC8401-DIE DC至28GHz,GaAs pHEMT MMIC低噪声放大器技 …
2025年3月12日 · HMC8401是一款宽带低噪声放大器,工作频率范围为DC至28 GHz.该放大器提供14.5 dB增益、1.5 dB噪声系数、26 dBm输出IP3和16.5 dBm输出功率(1 dB增益压缩),同时功耗为60 mA(采用7.5 V电源时)。 HMC8401还具有增益控制选项VGG2。 HMC8401放大器输入/输出内部匹配50 Ω,可方便地集成至多芯片模块 (MCM)。 所有数据均由通过最短0.31 mm (12 mils)的两条0.025 mm (1 mil)线焊连接的芯片获取。