2–12 GHz High-Power GaN MMIC Switch Utilizing Stacked-FET …
Broadband high-power GaN MMIC switch has been successfully developed. The switch is based on stacked-FET circuits. By employing the configuration, high-power and low-loss performances can be achieved in broadband frequency range.
Multilayer MMIC for stacked integrated circuits - IEEE Xplore
1996年9月13日 · Furthermore, by using the electrically shielded MMICs, a novel high-density IC module construction providing excellent electrical and thermal functions, named "Stacked Integrated Circuits", is proposed.
This chapter will describe the general aspects of MMIC design and the necessary tools available to both the user and manufacturer. This chapter will also provide a typical design methodology and flow used by MMIC foundries. I. Foundry Documentation A well-documented MMIC design methodology ensures a much smoother and faster turnaround of circuits.
Examples of components required for MMIC design include lines of various impedances, shorted and open stubs, tees, meander lines, and capacitors. Because the fabrication process requires the use of ungrounded CPW lines, underpasses are necessary to connect ground planes and a study of 50-Ohm lines with several underpass spacings is performed.
Design of ungrounded CPW GaN-on-Si MMICs - IEEE Xplore
The process uses a thick silicon substrate with no through-vias with a multi-layer stack-up. Examples of components required for MMIC design include lines of various impedances, shorted and open stubs, tees, meander lines, and capacitors.
articles cover specific MMIC devices, the first covers distributed or wideband amplifiers including their features and how to best use them in a microwave system. The next one covers the design of a Doherty
MMIC设计概述 - CSDN博客
2024年12月15日 · 单片微波 集成电路 (monolithic microwave integrated circuit),即在一块半导体上将有源器件和无源器件集成在一个电路的结构形态。 MMIC设计需要特定的工艺库,一般可在各大厂商中找到对应的PDK,然后导入到ADS中,就可以直接利用PDK里的有源器件和无源器件 模型 进行版图设计. 工艺线参数:90nm、60nm、0.25um,0.18um,实际物理意义为“半节距”、“物理珊长”、“制程线宽”等. 首先根据设计指标,确定初步的方案设计,包括衬底材料的选择、工 …
This application note illustrates, through the design of an MMIC amplifier, several of the common problems faced in designing, simulating, and producing a physical layout of an MMIC circuit, as well as the validation steps that are needed to verify that the physical
【电路随笔】个人对MMIC概念的理解(一) - 知乎专栏
射频集成电路缩写为RFIC,Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits很容易理解,但相关人员往往会注意到,有一个微妙的方向叫做单片微波集成电路(Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits,MMIC),也属于射频,属…
MMIC Technology Overview - ScienceDirect
1995年1月1日 · Two of the key factors in the maturation of MMIC technology are improved models and improved CAD tools to permit accurate simulation of performance for enhanced first pass design success. Although highly complex, MMIC processing has stabilized sufficiently that MMICs can be produced at reasonably high yields and at affordable cost.
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