Mixed-member proportional representation - Wikipedia
Mixed-member proportional representation (MMP or MMPR) is a type of representation provided by some mixed electoral systems which combine local winner-take-all elections with a compensatory tier with party lists, in a way that produces proportional representation overall.
Vote linkage - Wikipedia
An open list variant of MMP (modified Bavarian MMP) has been proposed by Jameson Quinn [20] which uses a mixed ballot and vote linkage combined with classical seat linkage. If a ballot supports the winner in the local district, the list part of that ballot is …
Pros and cons of MMP - The Toronto Star
2007年10月5日 · On a mixed-member proportional representation ballot, voters are asked to make two marks: one for a party (on the left) and one for a local candidate (on the right). The local...
What is MMP? - Elections
MMP is the voting system we use in New Zealand. It stands for ‘Mixed Member Proportional’. We use MMP to choose who represents us in Parliament. Parliament has 120 seats for its members of Parliament (MPs). During an election, political parties try …
Mixed Member Proportional (MMP)
Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) Under MMP systems, the PR seats are awarded to compensate for any disproportionality produced by the district seat results . For example, if one party wins 10 per cent of the vote nationally but no district seats, then it will be awarded enough seats from the PR lists to bring its representation up to 10 per cent ...
Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) - Fair Vote Canada
Under Mixed Member Proportional (MMP), voters elect local MPs as they do now, plus a team of regional ones to make the overall results proportional in each region. MMP was recommended by the Law Commission of Canada (2004) and several provincial commissions.
Mixed‐Member Electoral Systems: A Definition and Typology
2003年11月1日 · Mixed‐member electoral systems are described as a mixture of two principles of electoral system design: majoritarian systems, which usually have single‐seat districts with plurality rule and tend to give greater representation to the two parties that receive the most votes; and proportional systems, which have multi‐seat districts, usually with ...
Mixed Electoral Systems (including MMP) - Voter Equality
In order to choose the best system for BC, we optimized two alternative systems: STV and MMP. Then we voted: The Assembly preferred STV over MMP: 80% to 20%. We then compared STV with FPTP. The Assembly preferred STV over FPTP: 93% to 7%. In the 2005 BC referendum, STV got over 50% in 77 of 79 districts and 57.7% overall.
Mixed Member Proportional - Single Transferable Vote - Best …
2021年1月28日 · In an additional member Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) with an Open List system (mix party and candidates), each elector casts two votes instead of one. On a double ballot, the elector chooses a party of choice and also his or her favorite candidate among those listed. Voters can mix their party and candidate choices.
Mixed-member proportional electoral systems – the best of …
2018年3月1日 · Mixed electoral systems are often associated with the hope of combining proportional election outcomes with a concentrated party system, and thus achieving the best of both worlds in electoral system design. It is especially the mixed-member proportional (MMP) variant that has retained a good reputation in this regard.