From c-Fos to MMP-9: In control of synaptic plasticity to produce ...
2018年10月15日 · Three lines of evidence support pivotal role of c-Fos in learning and memory: (i) learning experience markedly enhances its expression; (ii) blocking od c-Fos impairs, while optogenetic activation of c-Fos expressing neurons supports learning and memory; (iii) c-Fos/AP-1 gene targets in activated neurons, encoding tissue inhibitor of ...
A selective inhibition of c-Fos/activator protein-1 as a potential ...
2017年12月5日 · Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is a major cause of low back pain. The transcription factor c-Fos/Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) controls the expression of inflammatory cytokines and...
Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 Transcription in Mouse Brain …
2013年7月7日 · Results: Overexpression and promoter binding activity of AP-1 factors regulate MMP-9 transcription, preceding elevated enzymatic activity in mouse brain. Conclusion: c-Fos and c-Jun AP-1 components positively regulate MMP-9 transcription in fear learning.
组织透明化三维成像技术揭示小鼠整脑c-FOS蛋白分布 - 知乎
该原理图描绘了连续刷每根胡须,依次激活啮齿类动物体感觉皮层中特定“barrels”中的神经元群,通过c-FOS表达上调来识别 (用浅蓝色、橙色和绿色方块表示)。 因此,对c-FOS表达的检测和分析已为神经科学领域带来许多开创性进展。 为此,LifeCanvas现在进一步对其技术进行更新,以使整个组织中c-FOS蛋白的均匀标记成为可能。 这将支持神经科学家进行更广泛的研究,包括与疾病和年龄相关的对外部刺激的神经反应变化,学习和记忆的研究,检测脑肿瘤并通过整脑的3D …
【c-fos/E-SARE】 活动依赖神经特异启动子 - 知乎
利用c-fos和Arc两种即早基因驱动的报告基因小鼠和病毒,更精确地实时特异性标记相关的神经元和神经环路,并选择性进行干预是神经科学研究的重要手段。 这里将对c-fos、Arc及E-ASRE启动子简单介绍。 c-fos蛋白作为神经元激活标记物被广泛地用于奖赏、学习记忆、恐惧、成瘾和衰老等问题的研究。 c-fos在接受外界刺激之后可在细胞内很快激活并表达,自身作为转录因子参与到下游基因的调节。 生理状态下,c-fos 基因在包括中枢神经系统的多种细胞内有基础表达,在细胞 …
Transcriptional Inhibition of Matrix Metal loproteinase 9 (MMP-9 ...
1999年10月1日 · In the current study, we demonstrated that activation of c-fos in the form of an estrogen receptor fusion protein can reduce MMP-9 activity which correlated with decreased tumor cell invasion in vitro. The effect of c-fosER on MMP-9 activity was mediated at the transcriptional level by the proximal AP-1 site of the promoter.
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Induces Matrix …
Overexpression of AP-1 dimers in neurons led to MMP-9 promoter activation, with the most potent being those that contained c-Fos, whereas knockdown of endogenous c-Fos by small hairpin RNA (shRNA) reduced BDNF-mediated MMP-9 transcription.
c-Fos-MMP-9 pathway in central amygdala mediates approach
2020年4月18日 · Here we report that blocking either c-Fos or matrix metalloproteinase 9 in the central amygdala disrupts approach motivation and appetitive discrimination learning, but not reward consumption. Further, we show that manipulation of c-Fos-MMP-9 pathway does not affect aversive motivation and learning.
T-5224 | c-Fos/AP-1抑制剂 | MCE
T-5224 是选择性的转录因子 c-Fos/activator protein (AP)-1 抑制剂,具有抗炎活性,能特异性抑制 c-Fos/c-Jun 的 DNA 结合活性,而不影响其他转录因子的结合活性。 T-5224 抑制 IL-1β 诱导的 Mmp-3、Mmp-13、Adamts-5 转录上调。
Transcriptional inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9 ...
To determine how a specific AP-1 family member, c-fos, regulates MMP-9 promoter activity through these sites, we used an expression vector containing the c-fos coding region fused to the estrogen receptor (ER) ligand binding domain.