AKERON MP is the only 5th generation missile in service, combat proven in the world. It has been operationally tested and proven in extreme climates (desert and sub-arctic conditions) both on ground and at sea. The system’s design includes the growth potential necessary for future modern land combat systems.
Akeron MP - Wikipedia
The Akeron MP (Akeron Moyenne Portée), [5] formerly known as MMP (French: Missile Moyenne Portée, lit. 'medium-range missile') is a French fifth generation man-portable anti-tank guided missile system.
AKERON MP – a multi-role missile providing maximum flexibility to the warfighter. dismounted deployment. AKERON MP is in service and has been operationally tested and proven in extremes of climate (desert and subarctic conditions). The system’s design includes ...
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This unique fifth generation land combat missile system is the perfect candidate for combat vehicle integration and dismounted deployment. Target engagement beyond an obstacle in Stand Alone. - Very low system signatures (sound, heat, smoke...)
En novembre 2021, MBDA annonce que le 1000 e MMP venait d’être remis au Service interarmées des munitions. Au début du mois de juin 2022, MBDA renomme le MMP en AKERON, une famille de missiles antichars qui comprend l'AKERON MP (Moyenne Portée) et l'AKERON LP (Longue Portée).
To maximise the operational flexibility of AKERON, MBDA has developed the IMPACT turret. The 250kg class remote controlled turret provides an optimised battle capability against a wide spectrum of hard and soft targets for a range of manned light combat vehicles.
MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée- Medium Range Missile)
Missile Moyenne Portée – Medium-Range Missile (MMP) is a new-generation, surface-attack missile system designed for the French Army. The MMP development programme was initiated by MBDA Systems in 2009, to replace France’s Milan and HOT wire-guided, anti-tank missiles.
Akeron MP MMP MBDA - Army Recognition
The Akeron MP previously MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée – Medium-Range Missile) is a portable surface-to-surface launcher missile system developed by the Defense Company MBDA. The development of the MMP started in 2009 initiated by the Company MBDA and the mass production began in 2013.
欧洲第五代战术导弹家族 AKERON 采用独特的「 三眼 」设计,该 …
欧洲导弹集团(mbda)推出全新独特的第五代战术战斗导弹家族 akeron! 该系列包括 MMP 和 MHT 导弹,现在分别更名为 AKERON MP… 显示全部
Le missile MMP de MBDA retenu pour la capacité européenne de …
2020年6月30日 · Le missile MMP de MBDA retenu pour la capacité européenne de tir au-delà de la vue directe sur le champ de bataille MBDA s’associe à 13 partenaires et sous-traitants européens pour développer une nouvelle capacité opérationnelle à base de système de missile MMP pour le combat de contact embarqué et débarqué.