Medical Meeting and Event Professionals | MPI - MPIWeb
Learn the role of sustainability, safety, and compliance and ethics in planning medical meetings. Verify your credential with a digital badge to add to your email, social media and more.
Medical Meeting Professional (MMP) Certificate Course 2025
The healthcare world can be complex and confusing, and having the Medical Meeting Planning (MMP) Certificate can mitigate risks and consequences. An individual who obtains their MMP certificate is someone with knowledge of relevant planning, terminologies, processes, and compliance regulations for healthcare meetings.
明尼苏达多相人格问卷(MMPI: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)是目前世界上使用范围很广和使用频率很高的人格与临床心理学测验之一。 其初始版本由美国明尼苏达大学的心理学家于1943年编制。 1990年代,香港中文大学和中国科学院心理研究所对此进行了修订。 时至今日,MMPI已经发展到包括800多种量表的一个量表体系,被翻译成超过115种语言,在60多个国家使用。 MMPI主要用于精神疾病的辅助临床诊断,以及心理咨询及心理治疗。 0、一个客观简洁 …
rockchip-linux/mpp: Media Process Platform (MPP) module - GitHub
Video stream will first queued by MPI/MPP layer, MPP will send the stream to codec layer, codec layer parses the stream header and generates a protocol standard output. This output will be send to HAL to generate register file set and communicate with hardware. Hardware will complete the task and resend information back.
Earn Your Medical Meeting Professional (MMP) Professional …
2023年8月24日 · MPI's Medical Meeting Professional certificate course debuts this month and it's packed with essential information particular to medical meetings and events! Key takeaways include: - Define a medical meeting and learn how to develop budgets, billing and analytics for …
Medical Meeting Professional (MMP) Certificate Course | 2.23.2024 - MPI ...
2024年2月23日 · Medical Meeting Professional (MMP) Certificate Course. Domain A: Strategic Planning. Cost: $513.99 member / $713.99 non-member. Note: Course now includes the price of a digital badge credential that will ensure you and your stakeholders know that your MMP designation is up to date.
Multiphasic Personality Test - IDRlabs
Though there are numerous comprehensive and well-researched personality inventories in psychological literature, the MMPI-2 is regarded as a classic and well-researched measure with scales that have achieved fame and widespread use; it is generally regarded as possessing good scientific validity.
IMEX HMCC/MMP Scholarship | MPI - MPIWeb
IMEX HMCC/MMP Scholarship Tuition-underwritten by: HMCC and Medical Meeting Professionals, apply for the opportunity to attend either MPI's Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC) and its Medical Meeting Professional certificate program LIVE at IMEX America's Smart Monday.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology. [1] . A version for adolescents also exists, the MMPI-A, and was first published in 1992. [2] .
Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate - MPIWeb
Designed for medical meeting professionals and the partners they work with, MPI’s Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate offers a broad understanding of regulatory topics, laying competency groundwork upon which critical thinking skills are developed, through case studies, business simulation, discussion and active exercises.