MMU CGPA Calculator (Multimedia University) - Calculate grades
This is a GPA (Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cummulative Grade Point Average) calculator for Multimedia University. To calculate your GPA, enter the Credit and select the Grade for each course/subject. To calculate your CPGA, enter your current CGPA and Credits Completed prior to …
Multimedia University (MMU), a tertiary education institution set up through University Telekom Sdn Bhd (UTSB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TM, fulfils the noblest of corporate social responsibilities – taking up the challenge of educating the next generation of leaders and knowledge workers.
utation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). In the case where a student is required to repeat a course, he/she shall be required to re-do the entire co. class schedule adjustments when the trimester begins. However, during the first two (2) weeks o.
GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) PLAN OF STUDY ACADEMIC LOAD Grade means the final grade of a course for a trimester based on the total scores awarded for coursework and end-of-trimester examination. GPA is the average grade of a student for a given trimester computed by taking the sum of the
Grading System for Multimedia University - Scholaro
Malaysia GPA calculator Matching grading scales: University Level. University Level. Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade Notes A+ 90.00 - 100.00 Exceptional A+ A 80.00 - 89.99 Excellent A ...
CGPA Class - Lowyat.NET
2015年1月2日 · In MMU, 3.67 and above is classified as First Class and 3.34 - 3.66 as Second Upper. However, some of the websites that I browsed state that Second Upper is 3.00 - 3.5 and First Class is 3.51 and above.
MMU CGPA Calculator.html - GitHub
A mobile friendly calculator to predict/calculate your CGPA - jiasheng9635/MMU-CGPA-Calculator
大家觉得gpa多少才算成绩好? - MMU板 - Dcard
4 天之前 · 大家觉得gpa多少才算成绩好? ... sembreak呆在学校的legend. 心情 12・留言 31. 想问问这个是不是代表及格了. 心情 19・留言 2. MMU的admin办事效率,真的服了 ...
成绩 - MMU板 - Dcard
2025年3月9日 · 有人试过连续两个sem gpa低过2.0吗? 会怎样吗?
gpa - MMU板 - Dcard
4 天之前 · 你们对现在的成绩满意吗?