TAI TF Kaan - Wikipedia
The TAI Kaan also called TF ("Turkish Fighter", formerly known as TF-X [6]) and MMU (Milli Muharip Uçak, Turkish for 'National Combat Aircraft' [7]), is a stealth, twin-engine, [8] all-weather air superiority fighter [9] in development by Turkish …
万王之王,土耳其第五代战斗机“可汗”来袭 - 知乎
土耳其KAAN战斗机项目的正式名称为Milli Muharip Ucak (MMU),即国家战斗飞机项目,也被称为 TF-X战斗机。 其机长21米,翼展14米,机高6米,机翼面积60平方米,最大起飞重量27.215吨,安装两台 F110-GE-129,推力13吨,长4.63米,最大直径1.18米,旁通比0.76。 12000米高空条件下的最大飞行速度1.8马赫,实用升限16700米,最大过载+9到-3.5G,作战范围1100千米,是一种典型的双发重战,尺寸比F-22还大。 KAAN采用双垂尾双发单座布局,菱形带折线机头, 加莱 …
土耳其第五代战斗机“国家战斗机”(MMU)/TFX的项目|原型机|战机|fx|TFX …
2022年11月24日 · 土耳其aselsan公司为mmu/tfx开发的头盔显示器,该系统将首次使用彩色屏幕和数字夜视技术,双目(两个光学通道)和反射取景器,结合机身上的传感器,可以实现类似f-35的看穿机体的功能
土耳其第五代战斗机 MMU(Milli Muharip Ucak)又名 TF-X 的第 …
2022年11月23日 · 土耳其“第五代”战斗机 MMU(Milli Muharip Ucak)又名 TF-X 的第一架原型机在土耳其亮相。 演示仪式 在土耳其航空航天工业 (TAI) 装配线上举行。 目前,机身前部、中机、机翼和机身尾部已经完成组装。
TF-X: Turkey Plans To Fly Its Homegrown Stealth Fighter In ... - Forbes
2023年1月12日 · Turkey believes the homegrown TF-X fifth-generation stealth fighter it is building, also known as the National Combat Aircraft (MMU), could make its first flight this year – the country's ...
土耳其五代机:项目历史和技术性能 - 百家号
2022年11月25日 · 土耳其第五代“国家战斗机” (MMU)/TFX将具备低雷达可探测性、低红外辐射特性以及较高的态势感知能力,还装配有先进的高精度武器系统,还能实现传感器和火控系统之间的数据交换。 战斗机长21米,翼展14米,高度6米。 能够与包括第五代战斗机和无人驾驶飞机在内的其他飞行器配合,旨在使土耳其适应现代联合作战。 未来,该飞机将配备两台国产涡轮喷气发动机,目前正在研发阶段。 目前,用于F-16飞机的通用电气 F110加力涡扇喷气发动机被选为土耳 …
Our First Full Look At Turkey’s New TF-X Stealthy Fighter - The …
2023年3月17日 · Turkey’s state-run Defense Industry Agency, or Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı (SSB), has released a set of pictures of the apparently complete, or at least near complete, TF-X prototype on the runway at an unspecified location.
TF-X/MMU: Turkey’s future fifth-generation fighter is taking shape
2023年1月8日 · Turkey is making progress in the development of its own fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the TF-X or MMU project, intended to replace the F-16s of its Air Force as of 2030/35. The Turkish Defense Agency published an image on its social networks showing the degree of preparation progress of the fir
MMU/TF-X will be a 5th Generation indigenous air superiority fighter with secondary ground attack capability. The TurAF currently operates some 30 F-4E 2020s (which were planned to be replaced by F-35As and to be phased out of TurAF service in 2020 but now expected to remain in the service until 2025) and 238 F-16C/D aircraft and Turkey is
Turkey Reveals Prototype of its MMU/TFX Next-Gen Fighter
Turkey’s defence industry – across both state-owned and private-sector players – is making progress on the major core inputs of the TFX/MMU, such as: Indigenous Turbofan Engines. TAI will power the first MMU prototype(s) with the General Electric (GE) F110 turbofan engine. This is the same powerplant used onboard the Turkish Air Force’s ...