6th Congressional District Republicans - Home
From those humble beginnings, Minnesota Republicans have worked to end slavery, preserve the Union, and ensure the adoption of women’s suffrage. Today, 6th district Republicans are continuing to build on those great traditions as we fight for equal rights, traditional values, the protection of the unborn, lower taxes, and a smaller more ...
Minnesota's 6th congressional district - Wikipedia
Minnesota's 6th congressional district includes most or all of Benton, Carver, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright, and Anoka counties.
Minnesota 6th Congressional District DFL: Meet Jeanne Hendricks . The Minnesota DFL has a rich history of electing strong, progressive leaders to public office. We work every day to build a better Minnesota for all Minnesotans.
Minnesota’s 6 th Congressional District - GovTrack.us
2007年1月4日 · Find your U.S. Congress senators and representative in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District (MN06) using a map.
Minnesota's 6th Congressional District - Ballotpedia
2015年1月3日 · Minnesota's 6th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives is represented by Tom Emmer (R). As of the 2020 Census, Minnesota representatives represented an average of 713,719 residents. After the 2010 Census, each member represented 664,360 residents.
Our District | Congressman Tom Emmer
If you are interested in browsing district-specific population statistics, you can look up Census data for the 6th District. If you would like to view an interactive map of our district, click here. Major industries include manufacturing, agriculture, retail trade, construction, educational services, health care, finance, and insurance.
About - 6th Congressional District Republicans
From those humble beginnings, Minnesota Republicans have worked to end slavery, preserve the Union, and ensure the adoption of women’s suffrage. Today, 6th district Republicans are continuing to build on those great traditions as we fight for equal rights, traditional values, the protection of the unborn, lower taxes, and a smaller more ...
Convention 2024 - 6th Congressional District Republicans
The Republican Party Congressional District 6 convention shall be composed of Delegates and Alternates selected by the 2024 BPOU conventions. Convention registration is open May 4 th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Overview of Congressional District 6, Minnesota - Statistical Atlas
2018年9月14日 · Overview of Congressional District 6, Minnesota (Congressional District). Cities; Townships; Counties; ZIP Codes; Unified School Districts; State House Districts
Jay Reeves for MN CD6
I am not sure if you have heard, but I am running to be your Representative for Minnesota's 6th Congressional District. Given that my Military Service was cut short, I still have the passion and drive to continue to serve my fellow Minnesotans, and my country.