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Московские новости - Редакция Moscow Daily News
В фокусе новой редакции остаются Москва, Россия и зарубежье. Мы следим за внутренней и внешней политикой, культурным контекстом и общественным мнением, анализируем события в экономике, фиксируем детали – продолжаем писать историю легендарного медиа в совсем другом мире.
In-situ reconstructed Ru atom array on α-MnO
2021年12月17日 · Here, we report an electrocatalyst with Ru-atom-array patches supported on α-MnO 2 (Ru/MnO 2) for the oxygen evolution reaction following a mechanism that involves only *O and *OH species as...
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Ru取代MnO2加速水氧化:应变诱导和多态依赖的结构变化对催化 …
2023年1月1日 · 如图5所示,β-MnO2–Ru拥有最优异的活性表现和最为明显的OER活性提升:β-MnO2–Ru催化剂实现10 mA cm-2的过电势为278 mV,优于RuO2。 此外,β-MnO2–Ru的Tafel斜率为62 mV dec-1(图5c),且在同等电位下其最小的EIS电荷传输阻抗(图5d),表明更快 …
Ru single atoms in Mn2O3 efficiently promote the ... - ScienceDirect
2025年1月4日 · Experimental and theoretical investigations discovered that the Ru single atom facilitated the formation of oxygen vacancy (O v) in the catalyst, which synergistically weakened the Mn-O bond and promoted the activation of O L. The co-presence of Ru single atoms and O v also promote the adsorption and activation of both O 2 and HMF.
Single-Site Mn-Doped Ru/RuO - Wiley Online Library
2024年12月19日 · Here, single-atom Mn sites are introduced into Ru/RuO₂ heterostructures (Mn (SAs)-Ru/RuO 2) as bifunctional electrocatalysts, achieving low overpotentials of 39 and 158 mV at 10 mA cm −2 for HER and OER, respectively, while maintaining long-term durability for overall water-splitting over 500 h at 1.47 V in 0.5 m H 2 SO 4.
<br>通过将 Mn 原子共掺杂成 Ru 中心和 CeO2 载体来提高聚乙烯 …
We found that these Mn heteroatoms effectively bolster the stability of Ru species under high-temperature reduction conditions. The harmonious coexistence of Ru and Ru significantly refines the reaction pathway by enhancing the adsorption of the alkane intermediates.
ACS Applied Energy Materials:探测Mn/Ru氧化物在OER中结构变 …
本文采用x射线光电子能谱 (XPS)和x射线吸收能谱 (XAS)对混合Mn/Ru氧化物材料进行OER分析,以了解析氧过程中两种金属位点的结构和化学变化。
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