Relationship between Mn Oxidation State Changes and Oxygen …
2021年5月16日 · In situ X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies (XAS and XES) are used to provide details regarding the role of the accessibility and extent of redox activity of the Mn ions in determining the oxygen reduction activity of LaMnO 3 and CaMnO 3, with X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) providing the average oxidation state, extended ...
In situ X-ray spectroscopies beyond conventional X-ray absorption ...
2023年10月18日 · X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has become an indispensable tool to in situ investigate dynamic natures of electrocatalysts but still suffers from limited...
MnEdgeNet for accurate decomposition of mixed oxidation states for Mn ...
2023年8月29日 · Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements of the Mn L2,3 edges are widely used for this purpose. To date, although the measurements of...
科研干货 | 同步辐射X射线吸收(XAS): 基本原理、数据分析及电化学 …
X射线吸收细结构光谱 (X-ray absorption fine structure, XAFS)是一种基于同步辐射光源的分析方法。 它测量的基本物理量为X射线质量吸收系数μ (E)。
Mn K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has featured prominently in the study of Mn enzymes and synthetic Mn compounds.1,2 For example, the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in photosystem II, which contains a Mn 4 O 5 Ca cluster that converts H 2 O to protons and O 2, has been studied extensively by Mn XAS.3−7 These studies have provided
X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of Mn reference compounds for Mn ...
2023年5月1日 · X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) offers great potential to identify and quantify Mn species in surface environments by means of linear combination fit (LCF), fingerprint, and shell-fit analyses of bulk Mn XAS spectra.
Mn K-edge X-ray absorption studies of mononuclear Mn…
2017年10月20日 · Mn K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has proven to be a valuable technique in the characterization of Mn enzymes and synthetic complexes and allows for the determination of structural parameters in the absence of crystal structures.
MnEdgeNet -- Mn XAS 和 EELS L2,3 边缘混合氧化态的准确分解, …
Mn L2,3 边缘的电子能量损失光谱 (EELS) 和软 X 射线吸收光谱 (XAS) 测量被广泛用于此目的。 迄今为止,尽管在正确制备样品的情况下测量 Mn L2,3 边缘很简单,但准确分解 Mn 的混合价态仍然很重要。 对于 EELS 和 XAS,2+、3+、4+ 参考光谱需要在同一仪器/光束线上采集,最好在同一实验会话中采集,因为仪器分辨率和能量轴偏移可能因会话而异。 为了绕过这个障碍,在这项研究中,我们采用了深度学习方法,并开发了一种免校准和免参考的方法来分解 EELS 和 XAS 的 …
X-ray absorption spectroscopy | Photosynthesis Research
2009年8月4日 · Recent advances in extended EXAFS and polarized EXAFS using oriented membranes and single crystals are explained. Developments in theory in understanding the XANES spectra are described. The application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to the study of the Mn 4 Ca cluster in Photosystem II is presented.
2023年9月7日 · Mn L2,3 吸收边的电子能量损失光谱 (EELS) 和X 光吸收光谱 (XAS) 测量被广泛用于此目的。 迄今为止,尽管在样品准备得当的情况下,Mn L2,3 边的测量很简单,但 Mn 混合价态的准确分解仍然具有挑战性。 对于 EELS 和 XAS,需要在同一仪器/光束线上获取 2+、3+ 和 4+ 参考光谱,并且最好在同一实验中获取,因为仪器分辨率和能量轴偏移可能因实验而异。 新发现. 为了克服这一障碍,在本研究中,加州大学尔湾分校忻获麟教授课题组采用了深度学习开发了 …