EDS/WDS measurements of molybdenum (Mo)
Comparison of the EDS and WDS spectra taken from Molybdenite (MoS 2): (a) and (b) are obtained from different measurements. [1] In a TEM (usually operated at voltages of 200 ~ 400 keV), the K lines (~17.45 keV) of Mo will be excited and visible, while in an SEM, it will be very different if operated at 20 keV or below (see overvoltage).
WDS和EDS在检测轻元素方面的应用:Li/Be/B/C/N/O/F - 知乎
2024年3月21日 · 现在有一种新型的WDS光谱仪--SXES,可以消除硼 Kα 峰上的许多干扰。Liu 等人的研究表明,新型SXES的光谱分辨率能够将硼的测量与Mo的M线干扰清楚地区分开来,如图3所示。 L. Liu, Examination of B in the Mo solid solution (Moss) in Moss + Mo5SiB2 + Mo2B alloysScr Mater, 163 (2019) 图 3.
一文看懂电子探针(EPMA) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月15日 · 如果用 X 射线分光谱仪(WDS)测量电子激发样品所产生的特征 X 射线波长值,即可确定样品中所存在元素的种类,这就是定性分析的基本原理。 而EDS定性分析主要是根据不同元素之间的特征 X 射线能量不同,通过检测样品中不同能量的特征 X 射线即可进行元素的定性分析。 EDS 定性速度快,但由于它分辨率低、灵敏度差,不同元素的特征 X 射线谱峰容易重叠,当元素含量较低时,也容易漏测。 所以其准确性不如WDS。 样品中A元素的相对含量CA与该元 …
Difference between EDS and WDS? What is it all about?
WDS is a technique complementary to EDS for performing X-ray analysis of materials. The goal is the same as with EDS, to determine elemental composition of the sample, and it is used for the same purpose; so you might ask yourself, do we then need WDS?
电子探针X射线显微分析(WDS/EDS): 技术原理与特点
2023年9月26日 · 电子探针 x 射线显微分析( epma )是利用波谱仪 wds 和能谱仪 eds 来测量电子束产生特征 x 射线的分析方法,目前已广泛用于地质、材料等领域的分析表征。 图 1 显微分析技术汇总. 1 epma : wds/eds 基础知识
X-ray Compositional MicroAnalysis: EDS and WDS
WDS was the original technique developed to precisely and accurately determine chemical compositions of microvolumes (a few cubic microns) of "thick" specimens, and the instrument used is the electron microprobe.
Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (WDS) - SERC
2007年5月17日 · WDS can result in high resolution wavelength spectra (e.g. Figs. 2,3) and high quality element x-ray compositional maps, but the most common application of WDS is for quantitative spot analysis. Typically, individual WDS spot analyses include information on the ratio of the WDS detector counts of the sample relative to the counts on a standard ...
从 EDS 到 WDS 带来的提升 - EDAX
随着在最新版本用户友好的 edax apex 3.0 软件中添加了波长色散谱(wds)的分析能力,用户如今能够在能量色散谱(eds)遇到分析瓶颈时运用 wds,并体验无缝一体化的新功能。
Center for Electron Microscopy (ZELMI) Technische Universität Berlin Straße des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany. net count peak ratios of neighbouring peaks, which then are used as an...
Comparison of WDS and EDS - SERC
EDS and WDS spectra of Mo and S in molybdenite Originally uploaded in Integrating Research and Education:Geochemical Instrumentation and Analysis. Image 9509 is a 267 by 400 pixel JPEG Uploaded: May31 07. Last Modified: 2007-06-06 11:38:27 Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/9509/wds-eds-comparison.jpg