MODAF - Wikipedia
The British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) was an architecture framework which defined a standardised way of conducting enterprise architecture, originally developed by the UK Ministry of Defence. It has since been replaced with the NATO Architecture Framework.
[Withdrawn] MOD Architecture Framework - GOV.UK
2012年12月12日 · The MODAF ontological data exchange mechanism (MODEM) is an evolution of the M3, based on the ‘international defence enterprise architecture specification’ (IDEAS) …
DODAF - DOD Architecture Framework Version 2.02 - DOD …
Welcome to DoDAF Version 2.02! This is the official and current version for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework. Version 2.02, is the approved release of the DoDAF as of August 2010....
Unified Architecture Framework | Object Management Group
OMG®'s Unified Architecture Framework (UAF®) efficiently captures commercial, governmental and industrial enterprise architectures with specific business, op and SoS integration needs.
What is MODAF? - Visual Paradigm
MODAF (Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework) is an architectural framework that defines a standardized way of conducting Enterprise Architecture. It is an internationally recognised enterprise architecture framework developed for supporting Defence planning and change management activities.
start [UAF Wiki]
UAF evolved from the Unified Profile for Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) (UPDM), version 2.1. UPDM is not a new architectural framework- it merges pre-existing concepts from DoDAF and MODAF into a combined metamodel.
UPDM - Wikipedia
The Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) is the product of an Object Management Group (OMG) initiative to develop a modeling standard that supports both the USA Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and the UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF).
OMG UML Profile for DoDAF/MODAF | Object Management Group
The Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM™) is a visual modeling standard that supports the development of architectures that comply with the USA Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and the UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF).
British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)
2023年3月14日 · What is the British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)? MODAF is an internationally recognized enterprise architecture framework that is designed to help Defence planners and change managers effectively understand complex issues.
What is the MODAF Architecting Process? The overall approach to developing a MODAF compliant architecture is broadly the same regardless of which MOD community is doing the work, or the MODAF...