Microporous Metal-Organic Framework Materials for Gas …
2020年2月13日 · Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a new generation of porous materials, have been demonstrated for their promise in addressing important gas separations. In this review, we outline the uniqueness and basic design principles of MOF chemistry for gas separation in terms of their specific pore chemistry and molecular recognition.
Nanospace Engineering of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Adsorptive Gas ...
5 小时之前 · This crit. review starts with a brief introduction to gas sepn. and purifn. based on selective adsorption, followed by a review of gas selective adsorption in rigid and flexible MOFs. Based on possible mechanisms, selective adsorptions obsd. in MOFs are classified, and primary relationships between adsorption properties and framework features ...
Metal–organic frameworks: Structures and functional applications
2019年7月1日 · Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers (PCPs), are constructed by organic linkers and metal ions or clusters and have emerged as a new type of crystalline materials with large surface area (typically ranging from 1000 to 10,000 m 2 /g), high porosity, tunable structures, and flexible tailorability, compared w...
MOF-Based Membranes for Gas Separations | Chemical Reviews
2020年7月1日 · Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) represent the largest known class of porous crystalline materials ever synthesized. Their narrow pore windows and nearly unlimited structural and chemical features have made these materials of …
MOF membranes for enhanced gas separation: materials
2024年11月1日 · Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a potential platform for membrane-based gas separation owing to their unique structural characteristics including high porosity, strong adsorption capacity, and superior selectivity, which …
Advanced porous MOF materials and technologies for high …
2024年12月1日 · MOFs offer a promising solution to adsorbing toxic gases under ppm-level concentrations. Fundamental separation mechanisms of MOFs toward critical toxic gases, such as SO₂, NO₂, NH₃, etc., are elucidated. Innovative strategies enhancing the adsorptive gas separation performance of MOFs at ppm concentrations are pinpointed.
2024年12月29日 · 金属有机框架(metal organic frameworks, MOFs)材料,以其高比表面积、大孔体积以及结构可调等特性,在气体储存、吸附分离以及催化等诸多领域引起了广泛关注。 近年来MOFs的数量呈现爆发式增长态势,这使得针对特定应用场景探寻合适的MOFs成为一项极具挑战性的任务。 在此情形下,高通量计算筛选(high-throughput computing screening, HTCS)成为从海量材料中筛选出高性能目标MOFs最为有效的研究方法。 HTCS会产生大量多维的数据, …
Modulation of NH2‐UiO‐66 Based MOFs for Gas Phase CO2 …
2025年2月26日 · In recent years, some Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged in the photocatalysis field, especially due to their huge CO 2 adsorption capability and light-harvesting properties behavior. In this study, a series of defective NH 2 -UiO-66 MOF materials, using formic acid (FA) is synthesized as a modulating agent.
Porous metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation: …
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), representing a novel class of porous materials, feature unique pore structure, such as exceptional porosity, tunable pore structures, ready functionalization, which not only enables high density energy storage of clean fuel gas in MOF adsorbents, but also facilitates distinct host-guest interactions and/or ...
Multilayer chemisorption-enabled MOF-based composite …
1 天前 · This synergy leverages the high surface area of MOFs with the structural integrity of PAN, offering improved performance in areas such as gas separation and water treatment 16,17.