Issue of Permit to Import Medical Equipment | Ministry of Health …
This service allows obtaining a permit to import medical equipment for the local agent who holds a valid medical store license issued by MOHAP. If the requirements and conditions are met, the …
Ministry of Health - Trade System - Home
Welcome to the Ministry of Health Trade System, this is an internet based system for facilitating the importation of food additives, chemicals, cosmetics & pharmaceutical products. Importers can apply online for import permits.
Medicines, Cosmetics and Medical Devices Import Permit - MOH
Importers are required to register with the Ministry of Health to receive a permit. Importers need to complete the Pink and Yellow form entitled " Permit Application for Cosmetics and Chemicals" …
Issue of Permit to Import Medicines for Personal Use
Services related to birth and death certificates previously provided by MOHAP are now under Emirates Health Services (EHS). This service allows travelers coming to the country (optional service) to obtain prior approval to bring in Narcotics & Controlled Medicines.
Issue of Permit to Import Medicines from a Local Agent
This service allows obtaining a permit to import medicinal products, narcotic drugs, controlled or semi-controlled drugs, or pharmaceutical preparations for the local agent holding a valid medical store license issued by the Ministry of Health and Prevention.
License to import, export or transport narcotic substances
Request to obtain a permit to import Narcotic/Psychotropic substances via MOH e-portal. Transport permit should be issued against all import/export permit of items that contain …
Registration/Assessment Guidelines, Forms & Lists – Ministry of Health ...
Once registered or approved, products are allowed importation by way of permits granted by the department on the Ministry’s behalf. Registration Forms and Requirements. In order for an item to be registered or assessed, a form must first be completed and submitted to the Ministry of Health, Standards and Regulation Division.
FoSIM :: Home Page - Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health, Malaysia Royal Customs Department, Malaysia Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) JKDM Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Codex Alimentarius Homepage Food and Drug Administration, USA Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Department of Chemistry Malaysia World Trade Organization JKDM HS Explorer (Tariff Code)
Permit application | Biosafety
2024年10月22日 · Learn more about applications for permits under the BATA.
Transhipment | Biosafety
2024年10月22日 · Application for transhipment permit is done online via the Tradenet system. However, transhipment of zoonotic agents or pure animal pathogens may be subject to additional requirements by AVS. The following information and supporting documents are required to be submitted in the application for a transhipment permit: