SCP-2658 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2658 is a ruled index card trimmed to dimensions of approximately 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (63 x 88 mm) with cut corners, roughly the size of a standard poker playing card. The words “Mox Ruby”, “0”, and "Tap: Red" are written on the reverse side of …
CONTAINMENT BREACHED : Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ : Free Download, Borrow, …
2022年10月22日 · An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.
Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF ɛ-11 (Epsilon-11), nicknamed "Nine-Tailed Fox," is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that is deployed in internal security operations, with a particular emphasis on containment breaches and cases of utmost importance.
Nine-Tailed Fox - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
Epsilon-11, codenamed Nine-Tailed Fox, is a Task Force specializing in the protection and re-containment of SCP items kept at the site the game takes place in. They are the primary MTF unit encountered in SCP - Containment Breach and are comprised of nine members, each member representing and identified as one tail in the groups namesake.
Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ | Wikitubia | Fandom
Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ (born: June 14) is an American YouTube animator who usually uploads vulgar animations, and reddit stuff. He makes music sometimes. He is known on sites like 4-chan for his explicit memes and content. He was primarily known for his Discord server, where people would regularly have sexually charged conversations.
Мобильные оперативные группы - SCP Foundation
2025年1月8日 · Мобильные оперативные группы (МОГ) - это элитные подразделения, собранные из сотрудников разных учреждений Фонда и мобилизованные для применения в случае конкретных угроз или ситуаций, сложность которых превышает оперативный потенциал или опыт обычных полевых сотрудников.
Containment Breached but it's only BOUNCING MONSTER GIRLS for ... - YouTube
2022年10月31日 · all credits belongs to @moxifloxi song:moxifloxi - cakeoriginal video:https://youtu.be/BBeQ3qaUJRgdiscord.gg/mox#scp #music #halloween
{Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ Reupload} SCP - Containment Breach Dating Simulator
2021年4月1日 · {Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ Reupload} SCP - Containment Breach Dating Simulator. This is the original video that Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ uploaded. Moxi privated all of his videos as an April Fools stunt. No copyright...
All SCP Sounds (Free) - Soundboard.com - Create & Download …
do you have the Scp cb announcement tone sound effect pls and the SCP: CB Announcement End Tone Sound Effect. Reply. Please login to post comments. scp foundation site- 05 council • 1 year ago-here at the SCP foundation we like to try not to let this happen to anyone except when we have to, like in tests.
The Incident of Containment Breach part 2 - Newgrounds.com
2023年1月25日 · SCP 1471-a escaped. Nine-Tailed Fox is a Mobile Task Force squad that must Secure, Contain and Protect the object (Part 2). Part 1: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/863094. Follow me on Twitter. https://twitter.com/Accelevik. My patreon (Additional and WIP material) https://www.patreon.com/Accelevik
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SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom
警告:基金会资料库属于 高度机密. 严禁未经授权的人员进行访问 安保许可等级 scp项目等级 关于scp基金会 scp列表
SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
这里是SCP基金会中文的Fandom Wiki,这是一个合作性的网站,您可以在 受限制 的前提下自由的编辑我们的Wiki! 我该遵守哪些规矩呢? 我正要和你说这个,你必须阅读 站规,我想读完后你会很清楚。 什么是SCP基金会? 想搞明白这个,你可以阅读 SCP基金会,或者上网搜一搜。 什么是项目等级? 你可以通过阅读 项目等级 来了解。 O5是什么? 安保许可等级又是什么? 有哪些等级? 请阅读 安保许可等级,它会告诉你答案。 提示: 请在“浅色主题(日间模式)”下观看此页面 …
The SCP Foundation Database
The SCP Foundation (and scp-wiki.net) maintains documentation for all of the SCPs in its custody, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents, written in an academic/scientific style, describe the SCPs and include instructions for …
SCP-096 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
scp-096,又名“羞涩的人”,scp - 收容失效的高度危险人形scp。 SCP-096是一个通常极其温顺的人型生物。 但是,当有人看到SCP-096的脸时,无论是直接看到,还是看到了视频,甚至是看到了照片,它都会进入严重的悲伤状态。
Linux scp 命令详解及实现本地文件和远程服务器文件互传_scp …
2020年11月6日 · scp 是 secure copy 的简写,是 Linux 系统下基于 ssh 登录进行安全的远程文件拷贝命令,可以在 Linux 服务器之间复制文件或目录。 和它类似的命令有 cp,不过 cp 只是在本机进行拷贝,不能跨服务器,而且 scp 传输是加密的,可能会稍微影响一下速度。 当服务器硬盘变为只读 read only system 时,用 scp 可以把文件移出来。 另外,scp 还非常不占资源,不会提高多少系统负荷,在这一点上,rsync 就远远不及它了。 虽然 rsync 比 scp 会快一点,但当小文件众 …
2024年3月9日 · SCP命令提供了更多的控制和定制选项,适用于需要传输大量文件或特定目录结构的情况。 从MobaXterm官方网站下载并安装MobaXterm。 可以选择Home Edition(免费)或Professional Edition(付费)。 2、 启动MobaXterm应用程序连接虚拟机。 输入密码即可连接成功. 拖拽即可. MobaXterm提供了一个直观的图形界面,同时保持了传输的安全性和可靠性。 这是一个功能强大的工具,适用于各种文件传输需求。 对应其他工具还要 Xshell 等。 文章浏览阅 …
Mods - SCP - Containment Breach - ModDB
SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game based on the creepypasta stories of The SCP Foundation. As you enter the containment chamber for testing, the power systems fail, and you are left alone against an enemy with no physical weapons. Your only self-defense is seeing...
Play SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox - Steam
SCP: Nine-Tailed Fox is a free survival horror game, based on SCP - Containment Breach. The events of the game take place in a containment site of The SCP Foundation, a secret organization dedicated to containing and researching anomalous artifacts and entities referred to as SCPs that threaten the normalcy of the world.
SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 | Fandom
SCP - 收容失效 是一个基于 SCP基金会 的免费独立恐怖游戏。 该游戏主角为 对象D-9341,一个 D级 测试项目,被关押在收容着称为 SCP 的异常实体项目的设施中。 当设施遇到灾难性的收容失效时,你的任务就是逃出设施。 中文维基及游戏汉化由 子悦汉化组 负责,与Undertow Games无关。 2023年10月1日 收容失效汉化计划 第五版发布! 关于维基 - 查看维基的历史! 必读 - 如果你想对维基做贡献,请阅读这些页面! 更多... 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA 许可协 …
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