MP 18 - Wikipedia
Introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I, the MP 18 was intended for use by the Sturmtruppen, assault groups specialized in trench combat, as a short-range offensive weapon that would provide individual soldiers with increased firepower over a pistol.
MP18冲锋枪 - 百度百科
MP18冲锋枪(英文:MP18 Submachine Gun [6]),是德国著名枪械设计师雨果.施迈瑟于1918年推出的世界上第一款真正意义上的冲锋枪。 [18] MP18冲锋枪为9毫米口径,使用9毫米x18毫米P08手枪弹,采用自由枪机全自动发射,螺旋弹鼓备弹32发,全枪长815毫米,带弹鼓全枪重量5.33千克,射速400/分钟,最大有效射程200~300米。 [4]从整体结构来说,MP18冲锋枪非常简单,蜗形弹鼓脆弱易毁、价格昂贵、制造复杂,但并不妨碍该枪成为划时代的新武器。 [18] …
MP18衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MP18衝鋒槍,全稱Maschinenpistole 18 (一八型衝鋒槍),是第一次世界大戰時期由德國的胡戈·施梅瑟所開發的衝鋒槍。 MP18冲锋枪因其生产厂Bergmann也被称为 伯格曼冲锋枪 。
SMG History on the Block: German MP18-1 - WeaponsMan
Here’s a true piece of submachine gun history: a German MP.18–1 submachine gun, a very early, first-generation, Bergmann-built Hugo Schmeisser design. Schmeisser was the son of designer Louis Schmeisser, who also worked at Bergmann and created the early Bergmann auto pistols.
Bergmann MP18/I (Maschinenpistole 18/I) - Military Factory
2019年10月14日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Bergmann MP18/I (Maschinenpistole 18/I) Submachine Gun (SMG) including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
1297. 清扫战壕的子弹喷射器:一战德国MP-18/I冲锋枪(上篇)
2024年10月11日 · mp-18冲锋枪 1914年秋季,随着马恩河战役的结束,西线短暂的运动战局面宣告终结,协约国与同盟国陷入了漫长的堑壕对峙状态。此时的各国步兵若 ...
德国伯格曼MP.18/1冲锋枪介绍与射击 - AcFun弹幕视频网 - 认真 …
德国伯格曼MP.18/1冲锋枪介绍与射击,历史,射击,轻武器,国防军事与武器装备,,原名:(Small Arms of WWI Primer 114 German Maschinen Pistole 18,I) 一战末期德军内部开始反思以前对坚固堑壕体系的突破造成的伤亡太大,逐渐摸索出了以核心为利用小的作战单位渗透打击的“胡 ...
Bergmann MP18.1 - Other Equipment - Great War Forum
2008年5月19日 · The Bergmann MP 18.1 was the first practical submachine gun ever fielded. What became known as the "submachine gun" had its genesis 90 years ago during the Great War, developed around the concepts of infiltration, fire and movement, specifically for the desire to clear trenches of enemy soldiers.
MP 18 - Military Wiki
The MP18.1 manufactured by Theodor Bergmann Abteilung Waffenbau was the first practical submachine gun used in combat. It was introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I as the primary weapon of the Stosstruppen, assault groups specialized in …
MP 18/1 Submachine Gun - Smithsonian Institution
Developed by Hugo Schmeisser and Theodor Bergmann, the MP18/1 Submachine Gun was designed with trench warfare in mind. Designated the Maschinenpistole 18/1, it had a 32 round TM08 drum, or "snail shell," magazine and could fire approximately 500 rounds per minute.