MP18冲锋枪 - 百度百科
MP18冲锋枪为9毫米口径,使用9毫米x18毫米P08手枪弹,采用自由枪机全自动发射,螺旋弹鼓备弹32发,全枪长815毫米,带弹鼓全枪重量5.33千克,射速400/分钟,最大有效射程200~300米。 [4]从整体结构来说,MP18冲锋枪非常简单,蜗形弹鼓脆弱易毁、价格昂贵、制造复杂,但并不妨碍该枪成为划时代的新武器。 [18] MP18冲锋枪在第一次世界大战末期大量投入实战,尤其是在1918年3月 德意志帝国 在西线发动的最后一场大型攻势,即 春季攻势 (德军称“皇帝会战” …
MP 18 - Wikipedia
The MP 18 is a German submachine gun designed and manufactured by Bergmann Waffenfabrik.
Bergmann MP18/I (Maschinenpistole 18/I) - Military Factory
2019年10月14日 · While much of the attention of early submachine guns is ultimately paid to the Germans and their MP18 (Maschinenpistole 18), it was the Italians who were the first national army to officially adopt the submachine gun as a standardized weapon class with their introduction of the 9mm Glisenti Twin Villar Perosa in 1915.
德军冲锋枪的开山鼻祖,MP18和MP28的那些事儿 - 知乎
MP-18这把枪用的是 自由枪机式 原理,这点也是深深地影响着后面的冲锋枪,比如 波波沙 、 索米 等,都和MP-18沾亲带故的。 其用的 开膛待击 方式,也比鲁格手枪的闭膛要好得多,鲁格手枪打全自动的时候,枪小,零件小,闭膛很容易过热出故障。 最开始,德军这个MP-18冲锋枪用的其实是弹匣供弹,但是这种弹匣供弹的问题也是比较多,德国军方也是否定了弹匣供弹的方式,要求伯格曼公司将枪改成 蜗式弹鼓 供弹,就是他们给鲁格手枪上加的那个弹鼓,这就直接导致这把 …
一战时子弹喷射器MP-18冲锋枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2018年11月14日 · mp-18冲锋枪,采用自由枪机原理,开膛待机方式,发射鲁格9毫米手枪弹,尤其是 供弹具 非常有特色,使用了蜗牛型弹鼓,内置32发子弹,刚好是德军两个16发一盒包装手枪弹的容量。
Bergmann’s MP-18,I: The World’s First Submachine Gun?
1998年8月1日 · One soldier armed with an MP 18,I who successful survived the distance to an opposing enemy trench was more effective than an entire squad armed with five shot bolt action rifles, assuming there were no Alvin A. Yorks in that squad.
The M.P. 18,I: The First German Maschinepistole
2016年7月1日 · So it remains controversial among historians as to which gun, the Villar Perosa or the German M.P. 18,I, was actually the first shoulder fired submachine gun. The Villar Perosa was originally chambered to fire the 9mm Glisenti cartridge, which is less powerful than the 9mm Parabellum round.
Schmeisser’s MP-18,I – The First True Submachine Gun
2017年8月14日 · When Germany began looking in late 1915 for a new weapon ideally suited for the “last 200 meters” of a combat advance, Hugo Schmeisser’s blowback submachine gun would prove to be the weapon that would set the standard for virtually all submachine guns to come.
MP 18 - Military Wiki
It was introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I as the primary weapon of the Stosstruppen, assault groups specialized in trench combat. Although MP18 production ended in the 1920s, its design formed the basis of most submachine guns manufactured between 1920 and 1960.
抗战时期中国军队第一支列装的冲锋枪德国MP—18I(多图) - 抗 …
2007年9月30日 · 冲锋枪第一次世界大战时诞生 冲锋枪是为了在近距离战斗中加强步兵火力而研制的、外形如步枪、身管短的一种枪;它是众多枪种中使用较晚的枪,第一次世界大战时才被使用。 第一支冲锋枪的诞生:意大利人最早曾经称冲锋枪为“轻机枪”。“冲锋枪”一词是在美国汤普森冲锋枪 …
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