MP28衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MP28(德語: Maschinenpistole 28 ,意為:28型衝鋒槍)是第一次世界大战以後一款由時為魏瑪共和國的雨果·施邁瑟所研發、海內爾所生產的冲锋枪,是MP18衝鋒槍的改進型,沿用其反沖 …
MP 28/II | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The Bergmann MP28/II, or simply MP 28, was a submachine gun used by Germany and other Axis nations during World War II. It was also supplied to other countries during its production. …
MP 28 | Small Arms | Weapons & Technology - German War …
Technical specification and description of the Maschinenpistole 28 submachine gun, a 1920s design that saw some service with the Wehrmacht during World War II.
MP28冲锋枪 - 百度百科
1925年,德国武器装备检测委员会(iwg)对mp-28进行了秘密试验,并最终认可了该武器。 为避免违反《凡尔赛和约》中有关武器生产的禁令,MP-28便由比利时的一家工厂代为生产。
Original German WWII Schmeisser MP-28/II Display …
The Schmeisser MP-28/II (another variant of markings is M.P.28.II) submachine gun is a post-WW1 evolution of the first practical submachine gun, developed by same designer, the MP …
Haenel MP 28/II - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The MP 28/II was manufactured by C.G. Haenel of Suhl, and was adopted by the German border guard, the Waffen-SS, and was issued to certain rearguard sections of the Wehrmacht during …
MP.28,II Schmeisser - Modern Firearms
The Schmeisser MP-28/II (another variant of markings is M.P.28.II) submachine gun is a post-WW1 evolution of the first practical submachine gun, developed by same designer, the MP …
Shooting the MP-28 Submachine Gun - Firearms News
2016年6月9日 · The MP-28 is a first-generation submachine gun sporting a wooden stock, fine machining, tangent sight calibrated to 1,000 meters and a side-mounted magazine. Prior to the …
Schmeisser MP-28 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Schmeisser MP-28/II (another variant of markings is M.P.28.II) submachine gun is a post-WWI evolution of the first practical submachine gun, developed by same designer, the MP-18. …
Maschinenpistole 28.II – Dockery Armory …
Developed in secrecy in 1924 by a design team led by Hugo Schmeisser, the MP 28/II is not much more than an improved MP 18/I. The central change in the design is the Schmeisser …
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