Lmg-Pist 41/44 - Wikipedia
The Lmg.-Pistole Mod. 1941/44 – also known as Furrer MP 41/44, MP41/44 and LMG-Pistole – was the first submachine gun manufactured in Switzerland for the Swiss Army. The weapon used a complicated toggle-operated short recoil mechanism for its operation and it corresponds to that of the Furrer M25, which is why it is also called Lmg.-Pistole ...
MP 41/44 submachine gun: post-WWII use – wwiiafterwwii
2016年7月31日 · SIG’s entrant was the MP 41, a logical development of it’s private MK37 design. This submachine gun fired the worldwide-standard 9mm Parabellum cartridge (1,312fps muzzle velocity) from a 40-round detachable box magazine. The MP 41 measured 2’8″ long and weighed 9 ½ lbs. The receiver was a solid piece of forged steel.
SIG MP41 - Wikipedia
SIG MP-41 Neuhausen Submachine Gun is a Swiss submachine gun designed by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1941. It was one of submachine gun candidates for Swiss Army during World War II, but was not chosen. Instead, the Furrer MP41/44 was adopted, mainly due to Colonel Adolf Furrer's influence in the Swiss Army at the time. [1]
MP41衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MP41是 MP40冲锋枪 改用 MP28衝鋒槍 射控裝置的修改型,沿用前者的 提前擊發底火式反沖作用 和 開放式槍栓,但改為MP28的木製槍托、擊發機構和快慢機。 從外觀上的特徵而言,就是將MP40的圓管狀 機匣 以下的 塑料 製 手槍握把 與鋼管製折疊式槍托都替換為固定的木製槍托的同時,也移除了MP40槍管以下的鈎狀座(兼槍管護罩);可在扳機的頂部裝有MP40所沒有的快慢機(MP41具有MP40所沒有的半自動射擊模式)。 該槍沿用MP40的32發可拆卸式直型 彈匣 供 …
MP 41/44 – Wikipedia
Die MP 41/44, auch Lmg.-Pistole Mod. 1941/44 genannt, war die erste in der Schweiz für die Schweizer Armee hergestellte Ordonnanz-Maschinenpistole. Die Funktion der MP 41/44 entspricht der des Lmg 25, deshalb der ursprüngliche Name Lmg.-Pistole. Die Gesamtproduktion bis Ende 1944 belief sich auf 9808 Stück. Geführt wurde die Waffe bis Ende ...
Furrer MP41 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Furrer MP41, also known as the Leichtes Maschinengewehr Pistole 41 (German: Lightweight Machine Gun Pistol 41) or Lmg-Pist 41, is a Swiss submachine gun that was produced by W+F Bern. It was issued to the Swiss Army during World War II.
The MP41/44 Submachine Gun Was Beautifully-Constructed
2017年3月13日 · The MP41 and MP41/44 are perhaps the most over-engineered, expensive and complex submachine guns ever mass-produced. Production began in late 1941 and, by June 1944, some 5,200 copies had rolled...
Swiss MP-41/44: Adolph Furrer and His Toggle Lock Fascination
It was a short-recoil, toggle-locked gun using a side-mounted 40 round single-feed magazine and firing at a rate of 850-900 rounds/minute. Predictably, production delays meant that the threat of...
Waffen Details Maschinenpistole 41/44 (LMG/P)
2014年1月23日 · Die Maschinenpistole 41/44 (LMG/P) ist eine zuschiessende Waffe, bei welcher der Kniegelenk-Verschluss bei Abgabe des Schusses offen ist und beim Drücken des Abzugs vorschnellt, eine Patrone zuführt, diese auslöst und dann wieder in …
Swiss Week – MP41/44 - Forgotten Weapons
2012年7月25日 · The Swiss MP41/44 submachine gun was basically an LMG25 action scaled down to use 9x19 Luger ammunition.