StG 44 - Wikipedia
It is also known by its early designations as the MP 43 and MP 44 (Maschinenpistole 43 and 44). The StG 44 was an improvement of an earlier design, the Maschinenkarabiner 42(H).
MP44, StuG44, StG-44, MP43 > WW2 Weapons
3D model of MP 44. The Army Weapons Office therefore continued the development under the guise of ‘Machine Pistol 43’, development alleged before Hitler to be concerned with improvements to current machine pistol MP40 designs.
StG44突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
StG44突击步枪 (Sturmgewehr 44,定型投产时名為 MP43)是 納粹德國 於二戰中研發及生產的一種 突擊步枪,亦是人類歷史上第一支使用短药筒 中间型威力枪弹 并大规模装备、真正意義上的突擊步槍 [1],被公認為现代步兵史上划时代的成就之一。 實驗證明二十世紀初的標準的步槍彈藥對自動步槍來說威力過大,當時的自動步槍像機槍般採用全威力彈,導致連發射擊時難以控制精度,其重量亦不方便單兵攜帶。 到30年代後期, 德国 陸軍開始研究威力小一些的短藥筒彈藥, …
WWII Weapons Systems: The German Sturmgewehr
Weighing in at a hefty 13 pounds, the MP-43 boasted an effective range of 600 meters, a rate of fire of 500-600 rounds per minute, and a muzzle velocity of 2,200 feet per second. The first test in battle for this new weapon is often attributed to the defenders of the Kholm Pocket in February 1942, but in fact no Mkb42 had yet been delivered ...
What American GIs Thought Of The Sturmgewehr StG44
2024年7月9日 · The German Army is using a new automatic machine carbine, the M.P. (Maschinen Pistole) 43, which serves the same tactical purpose as the U.S. carbine, M1, caliber .30. Like the U.S. carbine,...
MP43: The World’s First Assault Rifle - American Handgunner
In the closing days of 1944, in the chaotic forests of the Ardennes, however, the outcome of the battle and the war was still anybody’s guess. For the grunts on the ground, this must have been terrifying. The man was an Army surgeon who volunteered before Uncle Sam could draft him.
2021年1月6日 · MP43是德国1941年推出的新型自动步枪。 可以说这款步枪在一定程度上引领了步兵武器的发展趋势。 MP43虽然是一款优秀的轻武器,但研发难度尽是坎坷。 从研发之初,MP43就受到各方质疑,最终在陆军步兵领导部门的坚持下完成了所有的设计工作,但“坎坷”并没有就此结束,由于原MP43存在射程短 (只有500米)和弹耗高的问题,希特勒拒绝在步兵中配装MP43,并要求有关部门停止该武器的研制和生产。 虽然没有得到上级的支持,但相关部门 …
Stg.44 / MP 43 / MP 44 - Modern Firearms
The Sturmgewehr StG-44 (like its earlier versions MP.43 and MP.44) is a gas operated, select-fire weapon. The receiver and trigger housing with pistol grip are made from steel stampings, with machined steel inserts.
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