ACRA (142 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé (Self-Propelled Rapid Anti Tank Missile) or ACRA for short is a 142 mm cannon utilized by the French AMX-30 ACRA. It was heavily inspired by the American 152 mm Gun / Launcher, utilized by the M551. It used a much superior muzzle velocity and the missile had a flight time of around 7 seconds.
AMX-30 ACRA | War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-30 Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé (ACRA) is a unique modification of the AMX-30B (Model 1972), which is the second variant of the AMX-30 main battle tank family. The ACRA research and development program was initiated in France in 1961 and was designed as a supersonic anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) that could be deployed in any of the ...
Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé — Wikipédia
L' AntiChar Rapide Autopropulsé – ou Autoguidé – (ACRA) est un projet abandonné de missile guidé antichar tiré par canon supersonique développé par la France tiré par un canon de calibre de 142 mm.
战争雷霆|WarThunder 1.93 开发日志 法国 AMX-30 ACRA中型坦克 …
amx-30 acra即将以1.93版更新的方式来到战争雷霆,这是法国地面科技树中六级的坦克之一。 该坦克配备了根据acra计划开发的独特的导弹发射器和142毫米滑膛炮。玩家可以从两种弹药中进行选择:一种是he弹,另一种是acra atgm本身,能够穿透800毫米的装甲。
只要能打导弹,即使是脆皮你也喜欢吗——法国AMX-30 ACRA主 …
在动力系统上,amx-30 acra采用了一台hs110型12缸水冷多燃料涡轮增压发动机(720匹马力),搭配enc-200型传动装置,平地极速可达65km/h,越野性能优秀。 在电子设备上,AMX-30 ACRA采用了新型合像式火控系统,装有M208型激光测距仪、微光夜视仪、横风传感器和激光 ...
AMX-30 ACRA - War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-30 ACRA mounts a 142mm laser guided gun, capable of launching ACRA missiles and High Explosive rounds. It can carry 36 rounds, 16 in the turret and 20 in the hull, next to the driver, so you have the possibility to survive certain hull shots by carrying only 16 rounds.
AMX-10M | War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-10M, a unique French tank destroyer, was developed from the AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicle. The AMX-10M was part of the ACRA project that started in the 1960s, which aimed to create a vehicle capable of firing supersonic ATGMs from a 142 mm sm…
为瞄准线制导导弹设计的全新物理模型将与游戏中自主寻的引导导弹采用的飞行模型类似,并通过导弹的控制面进行飞行操纵。 全新的物理模型使玩家能正确地操控导弹的引擎和控制面,并让游戏中的导弹更加符合现实中的设计指标。 因此部分导弹还获得了引擎燃气舵控制能力,与气动控制面(例如方向舵等)相比,燃气舵转向在导弹低速飞行时有更加优秀的方向控制能力。 以下导弹在游戏中具有燃气舵转向功能: 以上列出的导弹将在“贵族胄裔”重大版本更新发布后实装更新后的 …
Defence and Freedom: Revisiting the ACRA - Blogger
2013年10月5日 · Unknown to many who know about the M81 and the Shilellagh, the French pursued a vastly superior concept at about the same time: ACRA. ACRA used a much superior muzzle velocity and its missile had a much shorter time of flight, extending the superiority of the missile approach over the gun approach to well below 2,000 metres.
[开发] 火箭科学:瞄准线引导导弹的全新物理模型 新闻-War Thuner
今天我们将向您介绍三点引导原理,即瞄准线引导导弹的全新物理模型,更新后的物理模型将随“贵族胄裔”重大更新加入游戏。 目前游戏中采用的导弹物理模型只影响导弹在各飞行方向上的过载,没有对飞行方向的控制进行模拟。 目前采用的简化版物理模型使得导弹能超越可用过载的限制击中处在导弹机动范围之外的目标。 为瞄准线制导导弹设计的全新物理模型将与游戏中自主寻的引导导弹采用的飞行模型类似,并通过导弹的控制面进行飞行操纵。 与旧有的物理模型,甚至是 …