国内营业性射击场部分枪型介绍-步枪 - 知乎
美国鲁格公司于2012年主要针对军用和警用两大市场推出的新品,SR-22型5.56mm半自动步枪,具有浓郁的AR风格,与美军制式的M4卡宾枪有着同样的握把,同样的枪托和聚合物护木,秉承了鲜明的美式实用主义风格,装配了号称“百变神枪”的鲁格10/22型步枪的机匣和扳机组件,常被用于射击比赛、狩猎小型动物。 由于精度高并且性能出众,2011年开始以色列边境安全部队将鲁格SR-22安装高精度瞄准镜,用于执行低杀伤性战斗和安保狙击任务。 (三)鲁格 Mini-14型 …
MP-161K: Specs - Kalashnikov Media
Fundamental differences between TR3 and Saiga or the story about the magic patch. Part 1.
Baikal (USSG, Inc.) MP-161K 22LR Initial Review
2012年2月16日 · Come join the discussion about .22 caliber pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! Here is a brief, initial review of the MP-161K that I got this week. I purchased the MP-161K via Gallery of …
战斗民族的小口径步枪 外形炫酷结构独特 堪称射击运动入门神器
2021年9月7日 · “贝加尔”MP-161K是一种民用半自动卡宾枪,主要用于靶场娱乐射击,也可狩猎小型动物,该枪全长990mm,枪管长495mm,整枪全重不超过2.9公斤,5.6mm(·22LR)口径,发射.22LR边缘发火弹,采用可拆卸式弹匣供弹,弹容量为9发。 这种“贝加尔”MP-161K半自动步枪采用了常见的自由式枪机原理,闭膛待击方式。 该枪的拉机柄为圆滑的弯钩状,在外观类似于AK系列步枪的拉机柄,开枪时拉机柄随枪机一同运动。 该枪的机匣顶部有一条120mm长的皮卡汀 …
USSG Baikal MP161k .22 LR Semi Auto Rifle - 10 Rounds - Buds …
If you could dream up a new design for a semi auto rimfire rifle, the MP161K would be it. Its light weight adjustable stock, ergonomically designed, polymer glass filled stock, and Picatinny rail are the features you dream about.
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Baikal MP-161K Carbine | thefirearmblog.com
2010年8月26日 · This semi-automatic Russian rifle comes chambered in .22 LR, .22 WMR and .17 HMR. It has windage adjustable open sights and a weaver rail for optics. I really like the stock design, although I could do without the blue colored rubber inserts. The magazine holds 9 rounds. It is being sold in Canada for 449.99 CAD.
MP161K Rifle by EAA Corp - Issuu
1426 King Street Cocoa, FL 32922 (321) 639-4842 READ THIS MANUAL FOR USSG/BAIKAL MP161K BEFORE HANDLING YOUR FIREARM The MP161KM is a semi-automatic rifle combining a powerful cartridge, 9 round...
Russian Baikal MP-161K .22LR Rimfire Rifle with 10rd Mag
If you could dream up a new design for a semi-auto .22LR rimfire rifle, the BAIKAL MP-161K would be it! Its light-weight, ergonomically designed, and adjustable polymer glass-filled stock are the futuristic features you dream about! Whether you’re plinking, target shooting, or small game hunting the MP-161K fits the bill.
Baikal MP-161K Review Part 1 - NZ Hunting and Shooting
As promised, fellow shooters, I am reviewing a Baikal MP-161K, as it has many features that I consider good for night time pest control. We supply night vision and thermal imagers for hunting and pest control. Before we add a new model to our line, I …
BAIKAL MP161K - For Sale :: Shop Online :: Guns.com
Search the Guns.com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. Filter products to compare by specs and price. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles...