MP 18 - Wikipedia
Introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I, the MP 18 was intended for use by the Sturmtruppen, assault groups specialized in trench combat, as a short-range offensive weapon that would provide individual soldiers with increased firepower over a pistol.
MP18冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月7日 · MP18冲锋枪,全称Maschinenpistole 18 (一八型冲锋枪),是第一次世界大战时期由德国的胡戈·施梅瑟所开发的冲锋枪。 MP18冲锋枪因其生产厂Bergmann也被称为 伯格曼冲锋枪 。
MP 18 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The MP18.1 manufactured by Theodor Bergmann Abteilung Waffenbau was the first practical submachine gun used in combat. It was introduced into service in 1918 by the German Army during World War I as the primary weapon of the Stosstruppen, assault groups specialized in …
MP-18 - Gears of Guns
2016年8月2日 · The MP-18 is a German submachine gun, first designed by Hugo Schmeisser in 1916 and manufactured by Theodor Bergmann. It was first introduced on the battlefield towards the end of the war in 1918 by the German Army. The weapon was specialized for close quarters trench combat. Production of the MP-18 ended in the 1920s.
Bergmann MP18/I (Maschinenpistole 18/I) - Military Factory
2019年10月14日 · The MP18 was an innovative and revolutionary design in the scope of firearms that went on to influence other submachine gun projects well into the 1960s. The blowback system of operation became the standard for many famous designs to follow and undoubtedly inspired such interwar designs like the Soviet PPD which essentially retained the same ...
MP18冲锋枪:投入战场后体现极高实战价值,就此改变德军作战 …
2024年10月29日 · 一战中MP18投入战场以后,立即表现出极高的实战价值。 德军的进攻开始转变模式,以往是用重炮首先密集炮击,然后用重机枪压制敌方火力,接着由大量步兵密集冲锋。 为什么需要大量步兵? 因为当时的步兵都是手持单发步枪,冲入敌方战壕的人数太少,很快会被敌军聚集优势兵力歼灭。 而且,密集冲锋的德军步兵也极易受到己方重机枪的杀伤。 有些军迷认为,重机枪和轻机枪一样是精确瞄准,然后哒嗒嗒地射击。 其实,在一战和二战期间,重机枪在绝 …
MP 18 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The MP 18 was a German 9 mm caliber submachine gun. It was the first effective and easy-to-use submachine gun in combat. It was designed by Hugo Schmeisser. This submachine gun was introduced in 1918, and and was used in the First world War. They were produced until the 1920s, but production resumed during World War II.
二战中德军经常装备MP18冲锋枪吗? - 知乎
使命召唤 14:二战(Call of Duty: WWII) 二战中德军经常装备MP18冲锋枪吗? 在游戏《使命召唤14》当中总能碰到有德军使用Waffe 28冲锋枪(原型为 MP 18或其改版MP 28),根据百科可得,MP18系列冲锋枪从一战一直…
MP 18/1 Submachine Gun - Smithsonian Institution
Developed by Hugo Schmeisser and Theodor Bergmann, the MP18/1 Submachine Gun was designed with trench warfare in mind. Designated the Maschinenpistole 18/1, it had a 32 round TM08 drum, or "snail shell," magazine and could fire approximately 500 rounds per minute.
MP18 Maschinenpistole-18 - Breach Bang Clear
2023年11月17日 · MP18-influenced designs include Chinese copies chambered in 7.63 Mauser used in the fight against Japan, the French MAS35 and MAS38, and the Swiss SIG Bergmann. The SIG Bergmann would, strangely enough, lead to the Soviet PPSH-41 which Nazi Germany would encounter in World War II.
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