MP40 transport box - Bergflak
The MP38 was often listed as "onboard armament", used with many different armored vehicle types. The standard equipment appears to be a MP38 (with sling and magazine), 6 magazines, one magazine filler and a six-cell magazine carrying pouch with a carrying sling. The MP38 in the wood box has only got 5 extra magazines, and no pouch to carry them.
MP38 (Maschinenpistole 38) Submachine Gun (SMG) - Military Factory
2018年8月18日 · The MP38 served as the predecessor to the well known MP40 series of mass-produced submachine guns developed by the Germans in World War 2. The type was revolutionary principally in its construction which broke from the practiced norms of the time.
The MP38 Maschinenpistole - Small Arms Review
2001年5月1日 · The MP38 was a revolutionary design. It was probably the first production weapon to use a folding buttstock, as well as a plastic material in place of wood. The MP38 was an entirely new concept on what a submachine gun should look like. All previous designs looked similar, like short barreled carbines.
MP38/40 Transport Box - MachineGunBoards.com Forums
2021年3月3日 · I had to do a few small wood adjustments on the interior to make the mags, loader, and sling fit better but overall it's made quite nicely. I also added the Machine-Pistol script to the exterior and the two eagles to give it more pizazz.
2021年1月1日 · 德国为了降低生产成本,减少加工工时方便大批量生产,对MP38冲锋枪进行了改进,将原先的铣削机匣和弹匣井改为了冲压制造,还有更多的零件用冲压制造,这一改进型就是著名的mp40冲锋枪。
German experimental MP38 (L) - Forgotten Weapons
The MP38 (L) was an experimental variation on the basic MP38 design, which used solid aluminum receiver pieces to reduce weight.
The MP38-40 - 43/44 Message Board - MachineGunBoards.com …
2019年10月19日 · MP38 grips were made in black and dark chocolate brown. MP40s had these colors and later various lighter shades of brown and reddish brown. Differing degrees of mottling depended on the amount and type of filler (usually wood chips) mixed with the phenolic.
Matrix Real Wood M1938 WW2 Model / Modello 38A Airsoft AEG …
Possibly one of the most successful and effective Italian small arm produced during World War II, the Modello 38 (M38) was the preferred sub machine gun of Italian as well as German forces. The M38 fires from an open bolt design and is unique due to having separate triggers for semi-auto and full-auto fire modes.
MP38 短機関銃 - german-smallarms.com
小型・軽量化のための回転式折りたたみストック、旧来の短機関銃のような横向きではなく下向きに装着されるマガジン、固定式銃床が無い独立した後部グリップ、木製のグリップパネルとストック、2段伸縮式チューブのリコイルスプリングを有したEMP36は ...
怎么区分二战德国mp40/mp38冲锋枪? - 百度知道
2013年12月14日 · MP38是MP40的早期型号,两者最大的区别应该是MP38采用机加工工艺,而MP40更多的采用冲压焊接工艺,并在枪机和保险部分做了一些改进。 另外MP40采用了工程塑料的握把。 但这些不同很难从模糊的历史图片中加以区分。