McLaren MP4/4 - Wikipedia
The McLaren MP4/4, also known as the McLaren-Honda MP4/4, is one of the most successful Formula One car designs of all time. Powered by Honda's RA168E 1.5-litre V6-turbo engine and driven by teammates Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, …
McLaren MP4/1 - Wikipedia
The McLaren MP4/1 (initially known as the MP4) was a Formula One racing car produced by the McLaren team. It debuted at round three of the 1981 season, the Argentine Grand Prix, and saw continued use in 1982 and 1983.
McLaren MP4/4 - Formula 1 Wiki | Fandom
The McLaren MP4/4 was the Formula One car raced by McLaren-Honda in the 1988 season. It was designed by Steve Nichols. The car was an evolution based the car on the MP4/3 from 1987. It was driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna. It had a Honda turbo engine.
1988 McLaren Honda MP4/4|The F1 Cars Behind Honda’s Glory|F1…
The McLaren Honda MP4/4 dominated F1, winning 15 of the 16 grands prix, driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, two of the most famous drivers of all time. Many reasons for this utter domination could be raised, including the two drivers, the engine, and the chassis, but in reality, it was largely due to the performance of Honda’s RA168E V6 ...
迈凯伦MP4-12C - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
它是時速高達340 km/h的一代名車 迈凯伦F1 正宗續作,MP4-12C全車身和底盤以 碳纖維 打造,搭載McLaren M838T 3.8升 V8 (夹角90°)雙渦輪引擎馬力達 600 bhp (441千瓦) ,扭矩443lb·ft(601牛·米)。 本車大量採用專業 F1 賽車技術包含後輪的急速煞車系統,减少转向不足情况发生的可能性,讓本車在一般道路上的狀況行駛也不會煞車不及。 傳動系統採雙離合器7速無段排檔 和"Pre-Cog"技術,讓駕駛能在換半檔途中預選下一檔,以達成超高速齒輪變換。 MP4 …
MP4_4|常設展示_1F |Honda RACING Gallery - Honda Global
好燃費&ハイパワーのRA168Eエンジンを搭載したマクラーレン・ホンダ MP4/4もまた、88年のレギュレーションとHondaのエンジンに特化したマシンとして製作された。
1988 McLaren Honda MP4/4|栄光を飾ったマシン|F1|Honda
マクラーレンHonda MP4/4が稀代の名ドライバー、アラン・プロストとアイルトン・セナのふたりの手で実に16戦中15勝を挙げるという快挙を成し遂げ、この年のF1を席巻したのだ。
How the McLaren MP4/4 redefined dominance in F1 - Formula 1
While Red Bull broke numerous records with the championship-winning RB19 in 2023, many F1 fans will remember the McLaren MP4/4 as setting the benchmark for dominance during a memorable 1988 season. A new documentary on F1 TV tells the story of that remarkable year from inside the McLaren team.
经典|一部改写F1历史的赛车:迈凯伦MP4/1 - 百家号
2020年4月15日 · 迈凯伦MP4/1是第一个采用全碳纤维复合材料单体车身的赛车,1981年4月12日在F1阿根廷大奖赛中首次亮相。是迈凯轮车队和罗恩·丹尼斯(Ron Dennis)的Project 4 F2车队合并后研发的第一款赛车,而MP4就是“Marlboro Project 4”的简称。
迈凯伦 F1 - 百度百科
1993年的XP4是McLaren F1第一个型号,最大马力627,使用碳纤维车身重量仅1180kg,0-100km/h加速3.2秒,这在当时属于F1赛车级别的,最高时速达到了375km/h。 McLaren F1-XP5. McLaren紧接着推出了改进型号的正式版本——F1 XP5,性能大体同XP4相同,最高时速达到了398km/h。 McLaren原本计划把售价80万英镑的McLaren F1限量生产300台,但由于售价过高,普通量产版McLaren F1(XP4,XP5)在1993年至1998年间共生产了65台。 McLaren F1-GTR 95.
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