Motion Picture Association - Wikipedia
The Motion Picture Association (MPA) [1] [2] is an American trade association representing the five major film studios of the United States, the mini-major Amazon MGM Studios, as well as the video streaming services Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
MPA - Wikipedia
Macedonian Press Agency, Greece; Maine Principals' Association, governing school sports, Maine, US; Manipur People's Army, India; Manufacturing Perfumers' Association, the original name of the Personal Care Products Council from 1894 to 1922; Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, near Munich, Germany; Medical Products Agency (Sweden)
Master of Public Administration - Wikipedia
A Master of Public Administration (MPA) is a specialized professional graduate degree in public administration that prepares students for leadership roles, similar or equivalent to a Master of Business Administration but with an emphasis on the issues of public services.
2020s | MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) Wiki
Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) Wiki. Explore. Main Page; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Wiki Content. Recently Changed Pages. 1938; 1939; 1965; 2020s; 2010s; 2000s; 1990s; Gallery. 1930s/Short Film Variants;
帕斯卡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
帕斯卡 (英語: pascal;符號: Pa)是 國際單位制 (SI)的 壓強 單位。 在不致混淆的情況下也可簡稱為「帕」。 它等於每 平方米 一 牛頓。 以 法國 學者(數學家、物理學家、化學家、音樂家、宗教家、教育家、氣象學家、哲學家) 布莱兹·帕斯卡 之名而命名。 氣象上常用的“百帕”(hPa)、“千帕”(kPa)、地球物理學上常用的“吉帕斯卡”(GPa)和工程上常用的“兆帕”(MPa),均是自Pa衍生出來的單位。 1 Pa. 同樣的單位也可表示 應力 和 楊氏模量。 標準 …
パスカル (単位) - Wikipedia
パスカル (英: pascal 、記号: Pa) は、 圧力 ・ 応力 の 物理単位 で、 国際単位系 (SI) における、固有の名称と記号を持つ22個の SI組立単位 の一つである。 定義より「ニュートン毎平方メートル」に等しい [2]。 1パスカルは、1 平方メートル (m 2) の面積につき1 ニュートン (N) の力が作用する圧力または応力と定義されている [1]。 単位の名称は、 流体力学 ・ 流体静力学 への貢献と 気圧計 の実験で有名な ブレーズ・パスカル に因むものである。 SI組立単位「ニュート …
MPA是什么? - 知乎
公共管理硕士Master of Public Administration,简称MPA,是为适应社会公共管理现代化、科学化和专业化的要求而设立的,其培养目标是:为政府部门及公共机构培养德才兼备、适应社会主义现代化建设需要的高层次、应用型、复合型的管理人才。
Motion Picture Association | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
The MPA administers a motion picture rating system used in the United States to rate the suitability of a film's themes and content for certain audiences. The rating system was first introduced on November 1, 1968, and has lived through several changes then.
PG (MPA) | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
Antz is the first computer-animated film to be rated PG, while The Black Cauldron is the first Disney animated film to also receive the rating. Equivalent to: TV Parental Guidelines' TV-Y7-FV and TV-PG ratings and ESRB's E10+ rating. The violence allowed in a …
Motion Picture Association - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...
The Motion Picture Association (MPA), originally called the Motion Picture Association of America, is a non-profit group based in the United States.