List of films certified by the Motion Picture Association/40000s
41200: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: Paramount Pictures Nickelodeon Movies United Plankton Pictures: PG (some mild crude humor) 41209: Seed of Chucky: Rogue Pictures: R (strong horror violence/gore, sexual content and language) 41210: Racing Stripes: Warner Bros. Pictures Alcon Entertainment: 41220: The Polar Express: Warner Bros. Pictures ...
content rating - Is there a list of MPAA film numbers? - Movies
I compiled a list of MPAA film numbers. As it turns out, film 50000 doesn't actually exist. However, here are the surrounding items: Steve Jobs; Roger Waters: The Wall; The Veil; In a Valley of Violence
美国电影分级制度 - 百度百科
美国电影分级制度是由美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America,“MPAA”)负责组织的由家长们组成的委员会,根据电影的主题、语言、暴力程度、裸体程度、性爱场面和毒品使用场面等,代表大部分家长可能给予的观点对电影进行的评价。
Motion Picture Association - Wikipedia
The Motion Picture Association (MPA) [1][2] is an American trade association representing the five major film studios of the United States, the mini-major Amazon MGM Studios, as well as the video streaming services Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) - The Internet …
2004年11月19日 · King Neptune's crown has been stolen and Mr. Krabs is blamed! To save him from his icy prison and to clear his name, Spongebob and Patrick must head to Shell City and retrieve back the crown. Meanwhile, Plankton plans on taking over Bikini Bottom for good.
Film Ratings - Motion Picture Association
Established in 1968, the film rating system provides parents with the information needed to determine if a film is appropriate for their children.
MPAA film numbers (certificate of approval) - For each movie film, displayed on screen at the end of the credits of every USA released movie film, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has issued a unique number to identify the title.
WELCOME TO FilmRatings.com
Established by the MPAA in 1968, the rating system was created to help parents make informed viewing choices for their children. Learn the facts, history, and evolution behind 50 years of ratings. Learn More
荣思浅谈欧美电影分级制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1968年由“美国电影协会”(mpaa)的主席杰克·沃伦蒂牵头制定的新的自愿性质的影片分级体系应运而生,美国电影的分级大致可以划分为以下这几个级别,g:适合所有人观看、pg:家长指导级、pg-13:强烈要求家长指导13岁以下青少年观看、r:没有家长陪同的十七 ...
美国电影分级制度 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2024年2月23日 · 由美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of American,MPAA)负责组织的由家长们组成的委员会,根据电影的主题、语言、暴力程度、裸体程度、性爱场面和毒品使用场面等,代表大部分家长可能给予的观点对电影进行评价的制度。