content rating - Is there a list of MPAA film numbers? - Movies
Here is the list of cert. numbers assigned to films, both released and unreleased, but it's not really completed yet. For the rated films, it's nearly complete, so the list is updated once a week, particularly on the day when the weekly rating bulletin comes out.
List of films certified by the Motion Picture Association/40000s
ApolloProMedia GmbH & Co. 1. Filmproduktion KG Fiction Film & Television Limited R (violence, language including sexual references, and some drug use) 40968 Alien vs. Predator: 20th Century Fox PG-13 (violence, language, horror images, slime and gore) 40973 Coach Carter: Paramount Pictures MTV Films Tollin/Robbins Productions
美国电影分级制度 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美国电影分级制度 始于1968年,是美國民间组织“ 美国电影协会 ”制定的自愿分级制度,既避免由政府官员来审查电影艺术和管束电影工作者,又及时帮助家长做出什么电影适合他们的孩子观看的决定。 电影可能会因为性、暴力和宗教等原因触犯部分人士甚至某社区多数人的审美和道德价值观,所以,美国电影史上一直存在着创作自由与非礼勿视之间的矛盾。 从1930年代到1960年代,美国各大制片厂组成的行业协会定有“ 电影制作守则 ”,所有电影必须通过协会的审批。 守则的 …
美国电影分级制度 - 百度百科
美国电影分级制度是由 美国电影协会 (Motion Picture Association of America,“ MPAA ”)负责组织的由家长们组成的委员会,根据电影的主题、语言、暴力程度、裸体程度、性爱场面和毒品使用场面等,代表大部分家长可能给予的观点对电影进行的评价。其目的是提前 ...
MPAA级别 - 百度百科
MPAA级别是指为电影划分的级别,用于参考电影是否能展示给青少年观看。 G级 (GENERAL AUDIENCES):普通级,所有年龄均可观看。 该级别的电影内容可以被父母接受,影片没有裸体、性爱场面,吸毒和暴力场面非常少。 对话也是日常生活中可以经常接触到的; NC-17级(NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED):17岁或者以下观众禁止观看——该级别的影片被定为 成人影片, 未成年人 坚决被禁止观看。 影片中有清楚的性爱场面,大量的吸毒或暴力镜头以及脏话等。 …
Mpaa Film Numbers 52000 | PDF | History - Scribd
This document lists the numerical certificates issued by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to films from 1934 to an unspecified later date. It provides the certificate number, link to the film's IMDB page, and title for each certified film from numbers 1 to over 200.
Film Ratings - Motion Picture Association
Established by Motion Picture Association in 1968, the rating system was created to help parents make informed viewing choices for their children. Learn the facts, history, and evolution behind more than 50 years of ratings. Looking for more information on how the …
电影分级制度 - 知乎
达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基 继《死亡密码》(π) 后的第二部作品《梦之安魂曲》被MPAA评为了NC-17级,因为其中 詹妮弗-康纳利 表演到临近结尾处的一段性爱场面被描述为“看了难受”。 发行商Artisan娱乐公司拒绝做出删减,称MPAA的分级“既不正确也不公平”。
科普扫盲:世界各国电影级别划分解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
根据电影法(Films Act)规定,由电影院经营者负责执行相关的法律条款 NC16 级:(No Children Under 16)(青年级) 规定低于16岁的未成年人不能观看的电影。 M 18级 :(Mature 18) 成熟级,只向年龄在18岁以上(含18岁)的观众放映的电影。
Motion Picture Association - Wikipedia
First meeting of the MPDAA in March 10, 1922. The MPA was founded as the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) in 1922 as a trade association of member motion picture companies. At its founding, MPPDA member companies produced approximately 70 to 80 percent of the films made in the United States. [4] Former postmaster general Will H. Hays was named the association's ...