X rating - Wikipedia
When the MPAA film rating system began in North America on November 1, 1968, the X rating was given to a film by the Motion Picture Association of America (now the Motion Picture Association) if submitted to it, or due to its non-trademarked status, it could be self-applied to a film by a distributor that knew beforehand that its film contained ...
美国电影分级制度 - 百度百科
美国电影分级制度是由 美国电影协会 (Motion Picture Association of America,“ MPAA ”)负责组织的由家长们组成的委员会,根据电影的主题、语言、暴力程度、裸体程度、性爱场面和毒品使用场面等,代表大部分家长可能给予的观点对电影进行的评价。其目的是提前 ...
X (MPAA) | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
X is a rating that was formerly used in the United States by the MPAA to signify adult material. It was replaced by the NC-17 rating in 1990. This is because, after the rating system took effect, the pornography industry (whose films are not rated by the MPAA) started using X-rated branding without permission to indicate pornographic, adult ...
美国电影分级制度 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美国电影分级制度 始于1968年,是美國民间组织“ 美国电影协会 ”制定的自愿分级制度,既避免由政府官员来审查电影艺术和管束电影工作者,又及时帮助家长做出什么电影适合他们的孩子观看的决定。 电影可能会因为性、暴力和宗教等原因触犯部分人士甚至某社区多数人的审美和道德价值观,所以,美国电影史上一直存在着创作自由与非礼勿视之间的矛盾。 从1930年代到1960年代,美国各大制片厂组成的行业协会定有“ 电影制作守则 ”,所有电影必须通过协会的审批。 守则的 …
A History of the X and NC-17 Ratings - The Hollywood Reporter
2011年10月18日 · Harvey Weinstein wins an appeal to overturn the NC-17 rating -- given for an oral sex scene -- and reclassify the Ryan Gosling-Michelle Williams awards contender with an R. The voluntary system,...
2023年3月17日 · mpaa电影分级系统从1968年诞生到如今经历了5次迭代,最初的系统使用了g、m、r、x四个评级。 g 级:建议一般观众观看。 m 级:建议成熟观众观看,由家长酌情决定。 r 级:16岁以下不得入场,除非有父母或成年监护人陪同。 x 级:16岁以下不得入场。
What Happened to the X-Rating? - Mental Floss
2011年10月5日 · In 1922, studio bosses answered the threat of censorship by creating the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association of America. In 1945, the name was truncated to the Motion Picture...
MPAA级别 - 百度百科
MPAA级别是指为电影划分的级别,用于参考电影是否能展示给青少年观看。 G级 (GENERAL AUDIENCES):普通级,所有年龄均可观看。 该级别的电影内容可以被父母接受,影片没有裸体、性爱场面,吸毒和暴力场面非常少。 对话也是日常生活中可以经常接触到的; NC-17级(NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED):17岁或者以下观众禁止观看——该级别的影片被定为 成人影片, 未成年人 坚决被禁止观看。 影片中有清楚的性爱场面,大量的吸毒或暴力镜头以及脏话等。 …
Rating X - Mpaa, Movie, Films, and Movies - JRank Articles
A movie given an X rating contained an accumulation of brutal or sexually connotative language or explicit sex, or excessive and sadistic violence. Over time very few MPAA-produced movies were given an X rating. If an X rating was awarded, a producer would usually reedit the film to qualify for an R rating.
X - Rating System Wiki
An X rating generally indicates a motion picture which contains the most explicit content. It may refer to: The X rating formerly given by the MPAA; The X certificate formerly issued by the British film censors (replaced by the 18 certificate) There is a similar R18 certificate given to works with strong images of real sex or fetish material.