Extrapolation of time series of EMG power spectrum parameters in ...
1998年2月1日 · First, electromyographic (EMG) mean power frequency (MPF) slopes with respect to time as estimated over shorter fixed periods were compared to slopes estimated over the full contraction period of a contraction sustained until the endurance time.
Comparing electromyographic and mechanomyographic …
2010年12月15日 · Theoretically, the critical torque (CT), electromyographic mean power frequency fatigue threshold (EMG MPF FT ), and mechanomyographic mean power frequency fatigue threshold (MMG MPF FT) describe the maximal non-fatiguing isometric torque level.
Improved algorithm of muscle fatigue detection using linear …
2013年1月1日 · Conventional linear regression analysis methods used to measure muscle fatigue based on mean power frequency (MPF) can yield results that are dependent on the epoch of each MPF value.
A new EMG frequency-based fatigue threshold test
2009年6月30日 · Surface EMG signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle during each fatiguing isometric muscle action. The EMG MPF FT was defined as the y-intercept of the isometric torque versus slope coefficient (EMG MPF versus time) plot.
Electromyographic manifestations of muscular fatigue
Analyses of mean power frequency (MPF) revealed that there was a significant decline in MPF (43.7 Hz, P less than 0.001) for the biceps brachii. Furthermore, the extent of this decline was correlated with MPF obtained during MVC (r = 0.96, P less than 0.000).
表面肌电图对腰肌劳损病人竖脊肌功能地评价.doc 8页
2017年9月13日 · 主要观察指标:MPF(平均功率频率);MPF slope (平均功率频率的斜率);RMS(均方根值) 统计学方法:由第一、第三作者采用Dynamap Suite 表面肌电分析软件对各项指标进行统计分析。
摘要 目的:采用表面肌电图研究腰肌劳损病人竖脊肌在不同运动角速度、屈曲角度时肌肉的功能状况,竖脊肌MPF、MPFslope以及RMS值的变化和影响因数。方法:有下腰痛病史的患者10例。
Effect of mechanical compression due to load carrying on shoulder ...
2006年6月10日 · A significant increase in fatigability, defined by the slope of MPF decrease, was observed for both muscles when load-carrying mass increased; but only UT presented a significant increase in muscle fatigue level, defined by the MPF value with respect to its initial value, at the end of the exhausting submaximal task.
Process of measuring EMG MPFFT from data of the multifidus …
(B) The MPF slope coefficients obtained from (A) were plotted versus muscle tension for each test level and the EMG MPFFT was measured as the y−intercept value (22.15%). from publication ...
Extrapolation of time series of EMG power spectrum parameters in ...
First, electromyographic (EMG) mean power frequency (MPF) slopes with respect to time as estimated over shorter fixed periods were compared to slopes estimated over the full contraction period of a contraction sustained until the endurance time.