Network-to-network interface - Wikipedia
In telecommunications, a network-to-network interface (NNI) is an interface that specifies signaling and management functions between two networks. An NNI circuit can be used for interconnection of signalling (e.g., SS7), Internet Protocol (IP) (e.g., MPLS) or ATM networks.
MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network-to …
MPLS-TP Network-to-Network Interface The MPLS-TP Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) is illustrated in Figure 2. This figure obsoletes Figure 5 of [RFC5921]. The NNI for a particular Transport Service Instance may involve signaling between the two PEs. If signaling is used, it may traverse the same data- link that supports the service instance.
以太网传输中的NNI与UNI - CSDN博客
2021年3月1日 · NNI就是设备之间的接口协议,根据设备不同,业务类型不同,NNI接口的具体内容不同。 例如,ITU-T G.8012/Y.1308 定义了以太网NNI。 这个标准适用于 IEEE 802.3系列 …
RFC 6215: MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network …
The framework for MPLS in transport networks (RFC 5921) provides reference models for the MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Transport Service Interfaces, which are a User-to-Network Interface (UNI), and a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI).
MPLS NNI - Layer 3 Interconnect, Nationwide MPLS | Nitel
With a single Layer 3 interconnection with Nitel at any of our 7 core POPs, you get instant reach with end-to-end class of service to over 8.5 million commercial buildings, including over …
BGP MPLS/LDP-3层虚拟专用网络原理介绍+报文分析+配置示例
2025年3月13日 · MPLS VPN利用标签交换,一个标签对应一个用户数据流的方式来区分不同的用户,从而实现用户间数据的隔离的VPN 网络,MPLS VPN 网络主要由CE 路由器、PE 路由器和P 路由器3 部分组成。
MPLS BGP 跨域(OptionA/B/C(一/二)) - CSDN博客
2021年3月5日 · 建议在OSPF中引入BGP路由时配置路由策略,做好精确的明细引入,减少不必要的路由进入IGP域。 其他配置基本一样 在PE上执行display mpls lsp命令,可以看到去往对方PE的LDP LSP
MPLS Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE 17.x
2022年11月5日 · Frame Relay over MPLS and DTE DCE and NNI Connections You can configure an interface as a DTE device or a DCE switch, or as a switch connected to a switch with network-to-network interface (NNI) connections.
mpls和pw和tunnel - 51CTO博客
2025年1月5日 · 在向电信级SDN演进的进程中,我们需要一起来深入研究一下MPLS-TP OAM以及OpenFlow所需的新扩展功能。 MPLS-TP对故障监测和保护倒换提出了明确要求,而OpenFlow目前则尚未对故障监测或出错恢复提供明确支持。
MPLS Configuration Guide for Cisco 8000 Series Routers, IOS XR …
2023年12月8日 · The GMPLS NNI optical network topology is known, and path calculations are performed at the NNI head. The GMPLS UNI optical network topology is unknown to the UNI-C nodes, and path calculations are performed by the UNI-N nodes.