Microbiology Guide: Most Probable Number (MPN) Method - Hach
Using Table 4 MPN Index, it is possible to estimate the number of organisms from any combination of positive and negative test results. The MPN Table (Table 4) is based on 3 dilutions of decreasing decimal increments. Example: Five tubes of undiluted sample, 5 tubes of 10X dilution, and 5 tubes of 100X dilution are inoculated initially.
Leitfaden Mikrobiologie: Methode der wahrscheinlichsten Anzahl …
Fünf-Röhrchen-MPN-Test. Verwenden Sie Tabelle 1, um die MPN/100 mL für MPN-Tests mit 5 Röhrchen zu bestimmen. Beispiel: Wenn 4 der 5 Röhrchen eine positive Reaktion zeigen, wäre die MPN/100 mL 16,0. Tabelle 3 zeigt typische Dezimalverdünnungen für verschiedene Probentypen. Berechnung
Microbiology Guide: Most Probable Number (MPN) Media - Hach
A-1 Medium Broth MPN Tubes, pk/15 (Product # 2560915) Most Probable Number (MPN) Method, Hach method 10032, Hydrogen Sulfide Producing Bacteria . Scope and application: For the detection of Salmonella, Citrobacter, Proteus, Edwardsiella and Klebsiella (some spp.) in drinking water, surface water and recreational water. Media Packaging
Is there a color chart for the Hydrogen Sulfide Test Kit, Model HS-C?
Below is a color chart for the Hydrogen Sulfide Test Kit, Model HS-C (Product # 2537800). Please note that scanned or recopied color charts will have some differences in the brightness and tone of the color and may not accurately reflect colors seen on the color strip. An original chart should be used for the most accurate results.
Is there a picture of the label for Chloride QuanTab® Test Strips, …
The chart on each bottle will be slightly different for each lot of strips produced therefore the ...
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What is the calculation for converting from mg/L to ppm? - Hach
1 mg/L = 1 parts per million (ppm) for dilute aqueous solutions. For example, a chlorine concentration of 1.8 mg/L chlorine is equivalent to 1.8 ppm chlorine.
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How do the QuanTab® test strips for chloride work? - Hach
The length of the white column (silver chloride) in the strip is proportional to the chloride ion concentration. Each lot of QuanTab® strips is calibrated independently, so the chart on the bottle that shows the chloride concentration may differ from lot to lot.