Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout - Wikipedia
The Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout is an unmanned autonomous helicopter developed by Northrop Grumman for use by the United States Armed Forces. [3] The Fire Scout is designed to provide reconnaissance, situational awareness, aerial fire support and precision targeting support for ground, air and sea forces.
MQ-8火力侦察兵无人机 - 百度百科
MQ-8火力侦察兵无人机(英语:MQ-8 Fire Scout)是美国诺斯洛普·格鲁门公司研制的一种垂直起降无人机,现有海军型和陆军型两个型号。 火力侦察兵提供侦察,态势感知,精确定位的支持;已被美陆军选作“未来作战系统”的一个组成部分,将成为旅级部队装备的 ...
Fire Scout - Northrop Grumman
The MQ-8C Fire Scout is the Navy's next-generation autonomous helicopter. The MQ-8C Fire Scout's airframe is based on the commercial Bell 407, a mature helicopter with more than 1,600 airframes produced and over 4.4 million flight hours.
MQ-8火力侦察兵无人机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MQ-8火力侦察兵无人机 (英語: MQ-8 Fire Scout)是美国 諾斯洛普·格魯門公司 研制的一种無人 直升機,现有海军型和陆军型两个型号。 该机型可提供侦察,态势感知,精确定位的支持。
Northrop Grumman MQ-8C Fire Scout - Wikipedia
The Northrop Grumman MQ-8C Fire Scout (known as the Fire-X during development) is an unmanned helicopter developed by Northrop Grumman for use by the United States Navy. The MQ-8C also has autonomous take-off and landing capability.
Northrop Grumman-Built MQ-8C Fire Scout Makes Operational …
MQ-8C Fire Scout brings increased speed, endurance and payload capacity to maritime operations. The system provides operators 10+ hours of endurance and range of over 1,000 nautical miles, allowing for adaptable mission sets, including real-time over-the-horizon targeting.
MQ-8B火力侦察兵无人机 - 百度百科
mb-8b与ro-8a的最大区别,主要体现在旋翼系统和任务载荷上。mq-8b采用了四桨旋翼系统,数量要比rq-8a多出一片,因此升力更大,有效载荷进一步提升。另外,mq-8b上的机载设备也要比rq-8a更复杂、更先进,其能力也更强 [3] 。
R/MQ-8 Fire Scout - Military.com
The R/MQ-8 Fire Scout Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VTUAV) system is comprised of ground control stations, up to three MQ-8B Fire Scout air vehicles, and...
悍不畏死的“侦察兵”——美军MQ-8B无人直升机 - gmw.cn
2018年10月31日 · mq-8b可以在狭窄的舰船甲板上起降,主要部署在濒海战斗舰( lcs) 及水面舰艇上,可执行侦察、攻击、补给三类任务。 对于侦察任务,MQ-8B 可选装 MMP执行情报收集、远程监视、目标识别、持续跟踪、通信中继等侦察类任务,以获取目标信息,为部队作战提供情报 ...
2017年4月8日 · MQ-8无人机具备挂载“蝰蛇打击”智能反装甲滑翔弹和“九头蛇”低成本精确杀伤火箭的能力,也可以使用“地狱火”导弹和以色列拉斐尔公司的“长钉”导弹。 长7.3米,高2.9米,翼展8.4米,空种940千克,最大速度213千米/小时,最大航程203qm
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