Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle - Wikipedia
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle (MRAPV), also known as MRAP vehicle, is a type of armoured personnel carrier that is designed specifically to withstand land mines, improvised explosive device (IED) attacks, and ambushes to save troops' lives.
Cougar (MRAP) - Wikipedia
The Cougar is a mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) and infantry mobility vehicle structured to be resistant to landmines and improvised munitions. It is a family of armored vehicles produced by Force Protection Inc, which manufactures ballistic and mine-protected vehicles. The vehicles are integrated by Spartan Motors. [4]
Cougar 4x4 MRAP - Military.com
The 4x4 model Cougar MRAP is a 3-door, diesel powered, 3-ton capacity 4-wheel drive Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle. The Cougar is equipped with an automatic transmission and in...
United States MRAP program - Wikipedia
United States MRAP program was created to produce Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle for the country. In 2004, the TSG/FPI Cougar was designed by a British-led U.S. team, to U.S. Marine Corps requirements. It became the springboard from which the …
The MRAP program was well-funded and was a Joint Urgent Operational Needs “rush” program to deliver vehicles to the combat theaters in Iraq and Afghanistan for all military services. The program...
Force Protection Cougar 4x4 Family - militaryvehiclesdata.com
The Cougar 4×4, a mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle, was developed by Force Protection, later acquired by General Dynamics Land Systems, to protect military personnel against roadside bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and ambushes.
防地雷反伏擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
防地雷反伏擊車 (英語: Mine-Resistant Ambush Protection,簡稱:MRAP)是 美國軍隊 提出的一種戰術車輛類型,專門用於抵禦 簡易爆炸裝置 (IED) 及 地雷 的攻擊以及 埋伏 [1]。 专为抵御地雷而设计的轻型装甲车于1970年代由 羅德西亞 軍隊首次引入,并由 南非 制造商进一步开发,从 1974 年开始使用河马装甲运兵车 [2][3]。 南非國防軍 的第一步則是使用了波斯瓦克,这是一种 烏尼莫克,在底盘上装有一个浅的导水槽,以保护船员。 然后是第一代专用车辆,河马和其他 …
The 4x4 can transport six passengers plus equipment, and be configured for Command and Control, EOD, Patrol, Convoy Support, Forward Observation, Reconnaissance, Med-Evac and more. A workhorse for the U.S. Marine Corps since 2004, the Cougar has withstood literally thousands of IED/landmine attacks.
MRAP vehicles will be capable of supporting multiple missions to include recon, convoy operations, troop transport, ambulance, combat engineer, and explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) missions for maneuver units.
JAIS 4×4 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle, UAE
2022年4月27日 · JAIS 4×4 is a mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicle being manufactured by NIMR Automotive, a part of EDGE Group based in the UAE. It offers an optimal combination of firepower, survivability, and tactical mobility to support conventional, modern, and asymmetric combat operations.
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