Features of COPD patients by comparing CAT with mMRC: a …
In contrast to the GOLD 2011 recommendation that either the CAT score or mMRC scale can be the symptom assessment questionnaire, we have shown evidence that both the CAT score and mMRC scale should be evaluated simultaneously for COPD patients with a lower CAT score, less severe airway obstruction and less severe airflow limitation.
慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD) 症狀評估:mMRC及CAT - Blogger
2019年11月8日 · 氣道阻塞程度就是用肺功能測試得到的FEV 1 數值來區分出GOLD1-4 (mild, moderate, severe, very severe共四種嚴重等級)。 然而,FEV1與症狀並不相關 (氣道阻塞嚴重不代表症狀嚴重),所以症狀的評估有其特別的地位。 最廣為使用的即mMRC問卷。 內容非常單純,就是看你多「喘」,將其分成0-4個grade。 1960年推出就主打不用五分鐘就可完成 [1],如果問卷設計過於冗長複雜,一來會降低病人配合填寫意願,二來臨床使用上就會出現困難。 不過COPD …
慢阻肺(COPD)严重程度评估与分级 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
mMRC与气流受限和肺功能受损的严重程度呈正相关,mMRC>=2 是区分“呼吸困难较轻”与“呼吸困难较重”的分界点。 而如果CAT评分≥10分提示需要进行医疗干预。 1: mMRC呼吸困难问卷. 表2:慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者自我评估测试(CAT) 注:数字0~5表现严重程度,请标记最能反映您当时情况的选项,并在数字上打√,每个问题只能标记1个选项. 2. 肺功能评估 肺功能检查可以评估慢阻肺患者气流受限的严重程度,参考的主要指标为第一秒最大用力呼气量(FEV1),是指 …
How to Utilize CAT and mMRC Scores to Assess Symptom Status …
In this study, we aimed to investigate the compatibility of modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) and COPD assessment test (CAT) scores of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in terms of evaluation of their symptom status. The study was planned as a single-center, cross-sectional study.
慢阻肺患者评估(二)CAT评分 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
可采用改良版英国医学研究委员会(mmrc)呼吸困难问卷对呼吸困难严重程度进行评估,或采用慢阻肺患者自我评估测试(cat)进行综合症状评估。 如果您有慢阻肺方面的困扰,可以自行对照以下两种方法来评估自己的情况,有需要可前往医院,进一步检查明确 ...
为了更全面反映copd患者的健康状况,并作为肺功能检查的补充,目前常用量表有cat、mmrc、sgrq等,其中临床上又以cat评分及mmrc评分应用最为广泛 。 SGRQ问卷 全球阻塞性肺疾病倡议认为SGRQ呼吸问卷是评估COPD患者症状的黄金标准,与肺功能及临床症状相关性很好。
A study of differences in classification of COPD patients with CAT …
Conclusion When classifying COPD patients into risk groups A-D, the use of CAT or m MRC and severity grades or past-year exacerbations can't provide equal results.Daily steps decreased with increasing COPD risk groups.
Differences in classification of COPD group using COPD …
2013年6月3日 · The GOLD 2011 document proposed a new classification system for COPD combining symptom assessment by COPD assessment test (CAT) or modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea scores, and exacerbation risk. We postulated that classification of COPD would be different by the symptom scale; CAT vs mMRC.
目的 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)是全球最重要的病种之一,2011年新版GOLD指南采用新的方法对COPD患者进行分组,本研究的目的是对比分析CAT、m MRC评分系统在COPD患者分组评估中的差异性,同时对各组进行活动耐力检测及分析。
Comparison between COPD Assessment Test (CAT) and
2019年1月1日 · When comparing health care resources utilization, CAT and mMRC have equal effectiveness in evaluating patients with regular medical treatment. There were significant differences in emergency room visit and hospitalization in favor of mMRC. However, CAT was more effective in evaluating patients with ICU admission (P = 0.005).