Modified Radical Mastectomy: Procedure, Recovery & More - Healthline
2021年4月28日 · Learn about modified radical mastectomy (MRM), a breast cancer treatment. Discover how it compares to radical or simple mastectomy, its risks, and more.
Modified Radical Mastectomy: Procedure, Risks and Recovery - HealthCentral
2024年5月14日 · A modified radical mastectomy involves removing the breast tissue and some lymph nodes, preserving chest muscles, for breast cancer treatment. Discover the pros and cons of this treatment option...
2022年5月25日 · 到了1984年,兩位英國醫師發表了改良型根除性乳房根除術 (modified radical mastectomy, MRM),他們認為切除胸肌並無法提高乳癌的存活率,即使保留胸大肌、胸小肌也不影響治療結果。
Modified Radical Mastectomy and Total (Simple) Mastectomy
2016年6月13日 · The modified radical mastectomy represents the most common operation done in general surgery as an ablative technique for cancer. This procedure entails en bloc resection of the breast, which is inclusive of the nipple–areolar complex, axillary lymphatics, and the overlying skin surrounding the tumor and
Modified Radical Mastectomy - Medscape
A modified radical mastectomy is a procedure in which the entire breast is removed, including the skin, areola, nipple, and most axillary lymph nodes,...
Everything You Should Know About Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM)
2024年1月5日 · Modified Radical Mastectomy, a breast cancer surgery, is a meticulously planned procedure aimed at thorough tumor removal and preserving the patient’s quality of life. Understanding what is a radical mastectomy highlights the significance of MRM in modern breast cancer treatment.
Surgical Procedures: Modified Radical Mastectomy - OncoLink
2024年8月23日 · A modified radical mastectomy is surgery done to remove your whole breast. Your whole breast is made up of the nipple, areola (area around the nipple), breast tissue, and most of the lymph nodes under the arm (called axillary lymph nodes).
插內喉管所引致的喉部輕度不適。 手術部位出現輕微不適或疼痛。 如疼痛加劇,應通知護士或醫生。 噁心或嘔吐的症狀均為常見現象。 如症狀嚴重,應通知護士。 如需要更多的鎮痛藥,請向護士查詢。 手術後6個小時可活動或離床。 手術後當天或第二天可出院回家。 病人可以在手術後第一天淋浴,但應小心避免弄濕傷口部位(傷口包紮保持乾爽)。 10 至14天可拆除縫線或夾子(如有的話)。 如導液量降低,可以移除引流管。 病人一般在手術完成當天或第二天回家,稍後才回病房移除引流管 …
Modified Radical Mastectomy - procedure, recovery, blood, …
Modified radical mastectomy is the most widely used surgical procedure to treat operable breast cancer. This procedure leaves a chest muscle called the pectoralis major intact. Leaving this muscle in place will provide a soft tissue covering over the chest wall and a normal-appearing junction of the shoulder with the anterior (front) chest wall.
改良型乳房根除術 (Modified Radical Mastectomy;MRM)
改良型乳房根除術 (Modified Radical Mastectomy;MRM) 是侵犯性乳癌目前常使用之術式,手術範圍包括切除全部乳房、乳頭合併施行腋下淋巴腺清除術;此術式對身體外型上及身心上有較大影響,改善方法可於手術同時 或術後擇期施行乳房整形重建手術。