MR.PA Series – KIKAGoods
KikaGoods Sells Blind Box, DIY, Designer Toys, Mech, Plush Toys, Accessories etc. KIKAGOODS is a young new online store founded in 2021. We sell exquisite art toys and various collectibles. You may never know what your first toy is, but we will let you get what you want.
Molecular characterization of the MRPA transporter and antimony …
2013年9月5日 · The MRPA gene, a transporter of ABCC subfamily, is involved in the resistance by sequestering metal-thiol conjugates in intracellular vesicles of Leishmania parasite.
Comparison of virulence genes in Proteus species isolated from human ...
The current study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of ureC, rsbA, zapA and mrpA virulence genes using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Proteus spp. isolated from 5 commercially popular species of pet turtles and comparison of the mrpA gene sequences of Proteus mirabilis isolates with human clinical isolates.
Comparison of virulence genes in Proteus species isolated from …
The vital type is MR/P fimbria encoded by mrpA, mrpB, mrpC, mrpD, mrpE, mrpF, mrpG and mrpI genes. The mrpA gene is significantly important to the pathogenicity, since it contributes numerous virulent factors such as adherence of bacteria to the epithelial tissue, biofilm formation, and swarming phenomenon (Rocha et al., 2007 ).
Mucosal vaccination of mice with recombinant Proteus mirabilis ...
2004年7月1日 · In this study, we immunised different groups of mice with recombinant structural subunits of these fimbriae (MrpA, UcaA and PmfA) using two mucosal routes (nasal and transurethral) and we transurethrally challenged the animals …
MRPA-independent mechanisms of antimony resistance in
Five independent mrpA-/-mutants were selected for antimony resistance. These mutants displayed major changes in their ploidy, as well as extrachromosomal linear amplifications of the subtelomeric region of chromosome 23, which includes the genes coding for ABCC1 and ABCC2.
MR.PA Animal Co., Ltd Plush Blind Box – KIKAGoods
Product Content: Each blind box contains one mini-figure and corresponding ID card. Brand: ToyCity. Stuffing: Polypropylene Fiber. Material: PVC / Polyester Fiber / Metal. Size: Height about 6.5" Age: 15+. Kindly Reminder: 1. This product contains small accessories that may cause suffocation if swallowed by children under 3.
MR.PA Animal Limited Company Series Plush Blind Box ...
MR.PA Animal Limited Company Series Plush Blind Box —————————————————- Available in Store & Online HAPPIBOX.SG 🛍️304 ORCHARD ROAD LUCKY PLAZA B1-111 🛍️ SIM LIM SQUARE 02-11 This series contains 6 regular designs and 1 secret design.
Happibox - MR.PA Animal Limited Company Series Plush Blind.
MR.PA Animal Limited Company Series Plush Blind Box 🐼 ——————————————————- AVAILABLE NOW AT 🔗 Website: HAPPIBOX.SG 🛍️304 ORCHARD ROAD LUCKY PLAZA...
Blindbox Mr.Pa Animal Vinyl ToyCity ( Chính hãng )
- TÊN SẢN PHẨM : Blindbox Mr.Pa Animal Vinyl - THƯƠNG HIỆU : ToyCity - KÍCH THƯỚC : ~7CM - NHÂN VẬT : MR.PA - CHẤT LIỆU SẢN PHẨM : PVC + ABS - BAO BÌ ĐÓNG GÓI : HỘP MÀU - SET 6 BOX ( 6 mẫu cơ bản + 1 mẫu hidden )