Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A is the fourth generation electric multiple unit rolling stock in operation on the existing North–South (NSL) and East–West (EWL) lines of Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) and CRRC Qingdao Sifang under Contract 151A.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A (KSF)
2011年5月27日 · The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A trains are the fourth generation of rolling stock for the North-South and East-West MRT lines. 35 trains of six cars were purchased under Contracts 151A and 151A VO (Variation Order) and have been in passenger service since 27 May 2011.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151A
2023年9月16日 · The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151A is an electric multiple unit (EMU) train operating on the North South Line (NSL) and East West Line (EWL). Entering service in 2011, these were the fourth generation of rolling stock, purchased to increase the capacity of both lines by 15%.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) C151 is the first generation electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock in operation on the North–South and East–West lines of Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, manufactured by a consortium led by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) under Contract 151.
SMRT C151A - Locomotive Wiki
The C151A (C ontract 151A) is a Singaporean rapid transit electric multiple unit operated by the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit since May 2011 on the North-South and East-West Lines and the Changi Airport Extension. The C151As were constructed to supplement the existing fleet of trains to increase the capacity of the lines they serve.
シンガポール地下鉄C151A形電車 - Wikipedia
シンガポール地下鉄C151A形電車 (シンガポールちかてつC151Aがたでんしゃ)は シンガポール地下鉄 (MRT)の 通勤形電車 である。 本車両は 川崎重工 と 四方機車車両 が132両製造した。 2011年 から 2012年 に納入された。 通常は2M1Tの3両のユニット2つで6編成で運用されておりTc - M - Mc - Mc - M - Tcとなっている。 付番は4桁の数字でされており、千の位が号車番号で3は必ず付随車に充てられている。 その他はユニット番号になっている。 501番ユニット …
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 - Land Transport Guru
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 is an electric multiple unit (EMU) train operating on the North South Line (NSL) and East West Line (EWL). Entering service in 1987 in tandem with the opening of Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, these trains are the oldest rolling stock currently in operation.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 (KHI) | SGTrains.com
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 trains are Singapore's first generation of electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock model for the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL). These trains are renowned as being the oldest rolling stock model in SMRT's train fleet and have been in passenger service since 7 November 1987.
Singapore MRT C151A train - NamuWiki
2024年11月22日 · The C151A type electric train is a vehicle manufactured and deployed to enhance the transportation capacity of Singapore MRT's East-West Line and North-South Line.
Singapore MRT C151 train - NamuWiki
2025年1月8日 · The C151 type electric train was manufactured in preparation for the first opening of the Singapore MRT East-West Line and North-South Line , and a total of four companies, led by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, were in charge of production. From 1986 to 1989, 66 six-car trains (396 cars) and one four-car train were formed.