Stihl 066 v's MS660 v's MS661 | Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2016年1月24日 · - AV on the 661 is bad ass vs 660. My wrists and elbows give me problems when I ran the 660 to much. 661 no worries. - I'd say you'd get about 20% more gas mileage with the 661. - lot of mtronics have been ported. No issues. - you can also run .404 chain on a 661 no problem. 660 even ported I don't think runs .404 as good.
Stihl 661 porting/big bore info - Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2018年6月10日 · Hi everyone. I have been doing some reading, and although used the search function here I don't ever seem to find a lot of info on the subjects I am searching (I believe its a "me" thing). I am hoping to get some info, opinions, etc. I have a Stihl 661 M-Tronic. I have a desire to possibly have it ported and a big bore done if possible.
MS 661 Carb Version - Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2019年8月7日 · I just got off the phone with my Stihl dealer, and he mentioned to me, that Stihl was going to start offering the 661 carb version in the US. He said his rep mentioned it to him, and said it was because loggers were wanting non M-Tronic. It doesn't show on their site, and I …
New falling Saw. Stihl MS 661 or 660? | Outdoor Power Equipment …
2016年2月8日 · gas mileage - 661 all the way. anti vib - 661 all the way. My wrists and elbows no longer hurt after running the saw all day (using 661). m tronic - if you have the 4701A coil and a "straight" intake boot (both of which come on every 661 I've seen 2015 or newer) then I don't think you'll have a problem. I haven't had any problems.
What's wrong with the MS661? | Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2016年4月1日 · On funkysawmans 661 I believe he had the muffler opened up quite a bit. I changed to the muffler to one that was a tad more restrictive and did the reset procedure, it took 2-3 tanks of running but it ran fine from then on. In fact that saw ran really good. He had some time on it and I think it had loosened up (the crank)
661 unlimited non-M-Tronic coil | Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2015年12月4日 · Hi Bruce ( @Gentleman ), I bet it would be great to see a replacement coil for the 661 that allowed us to run a standard carb without having to run the M-tronic coils. European model 661's came without M-tronic, so that coil (part number 1144 400 1301) should be the model to use Thank you for...
MS661 - info on new Carb, Coil & Solenoid released?
2015年12月31日 · I was looking up some parts on 661 yesterday and noticed a few things on the carb, solenoid, and coil. I couldn't find any bulletins. Anyone, know more about these new releases? carb - for the mtronic version up until now (summer 2018) it has been a WJ134A (1144 120 0610). The new carb is the WJ140A (1144 120 0612). What is the difference?
Ms661 bars | Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2018年8月15日 · Check out the thread "Has the 661 been proven like the 066/660". That will give you an idea of some of the issues. If yours is the newest model with all the updates on the M-tronics you should be ok. The problems are with the coil, wiring harness, module, carb and solenoid on the carb. You should be ok.
New MS 661-c broken spark plug. - Outdoor Power Equipment …
2021年10月13日 · Hello all, I hope this finds you well. So I have a new MS 661-C with maybe 12 to 13 hours on it. The other day it just stopped running and would not start again. Today I found the spark plug was loose, so I tightened it up and nothing. After further investigation I pulled the plug and found...
Stihl MS 661C - Outdoor Power Equipment Forum
2022年9月9日 · Can a 661 electronic saw be ported and the electronic crap still be able to do its thing? The guy for the porting said he could build it for felling, milling or a half and half, but wont be good/better at either if built to a blended role. IDK enough to say for certain either way, which route would be the best option.