T1w/FLAIR ratio standardization as a myelin marker in MS patients
Jan 1, 2022 · Calculation of a T1w/T2w ratio was introduced as a proxy for myelin integrity in the brain of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Since nowadays 3D FLAIR is commonly used for lesion detection instead of T2w images, we introduce a T1w/FLAIR …
Jan 18, 2021 · MS皮质的神经突起密度显著低于nNC,尤其是脱髓鞘皮质,并且与最近的研究一致,这显示与T1w/T2w比率显著正相关。 供体、MRI和组织病理学分析的差异以及神经突和髓鞘密度之间的相关性(r=0.58,p 0.001)可以解释研究之间的差异。
Frontiers | Standardization of T1w/T2w Ratio Improves Detection …
Apr 8, 2019 · We have demonstrated the validity of standardizing the T1w/T2w ratio in an MS cohort. The sT1w/T2w ratio reduces CoV in NAWM of both MS patients and HC and was the only investigated measure to detect differences in NAWM in MS compared to HC.
Longitudinal analysis of T1w/T2w ratio in patients with multiple ...
Apr 15, 2021 · First, we investigate baseline differences between early MS/CIS and healthy controls to determine the sensitivity of sT1w/T2w to NAWM damage in early disease stage. We also investigate cross-sectional differences between early MS/CIS and late RRMS to confirm the disease effect and directionality (reduced sT1w/T2w in MS).
T1/T2-weighted ratio is a surrogate marker of demyelination in …
Jan 22, 2022 · To put a damper on high expectations first, we should recognize that T1w/T2w ratio maps can at its best be a rough estimate of myelin with limited specificity, since the short T2 times (<<1 ms) of macromolecular protons abundant in the lipids and proteins that constitute myelin are not precisely covered by conventional sequences.
T1/T2-weighted ratio in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study …
In this study, we set out to assess, in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and in a cohort of relapsing remitting MS patients treated with disease modifying drugs, baseline and longitudinal changes in T1-w/T2-w ratio in NAGM and NAWM with clinical associations.
T1w/FLAIR ratio standardization as a myelin marker in MS patients
We present a standardized method for calculating a histogram calibrated T1w/FLAIR ratio to reduce bias and intensity variation in MR sequences from different scanners and at different time-points.
(PDF) Standardization of T1w/T2w Ratio Improves ... - ResearchGate
Mar 19, 2019 · We evaluate the validity of a standardized T1w/T2w ratio (sT1w/T2w ratio) in MS and whether this method is sensitive in detecting MS-related differences in NAWM. T1w and T2w scans were...
Standardization of T1w/T2w Ratio Improves Detection of Tissue ... - PubMed
Apr 9, 2019 · We evaluate the validity of a standardized T1w/T2w ratio (sT1w/T2w ratio) in MS and whether this method is sensitive in detecting MS-related differences in NAWM. T1w and T2w scans were acquired at 3 Tesla in 47 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and 47 …
T1w/FLAIR ratio standardization as a myelin marker in MS patients
Calculation of a T1w/T2w ratio was introduced as a proxy for myelin integrity in the brain of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Since nowadays 3D FLAIR is commonly used for lesion detection instead of T2w images, we introduce a T1w/FLAIR ratio as an alternative for the T1w/T2w ratio.