W65 Self-Rescuer Respirator | MSA Safety | United States
The MSA Filter Self-Rescuers W65-2/W65 and W 95 are Air-Purifying Respi rators for one-time escape use providing protection against toxic carbon monoxide (CO) and other gases emitted in underground mine fires or explosions. The Filter Self-Rescuer is immediately ready-for-use after opening and removal from the container.
SSR 30100 in Supplied Air Respirators (SCBA) - MSA Safety
Contact Customer Service or check approval label on product for specific approval information. This chest-worn protective escape device provides oxygen on demand wherever toxic gases, particles or oxygen deficiency can be imminently present. Ready-to-use, it's small in size and low in weight, making it easy to don, use and carry.
SCSR Self-Contained Self-Rescuers for Mines & Tunnels
Among our range of SCSRs is the Mine Safety Appliances (MSA) W65 Self-Rescuer Respirator, an air-purifying oxygen mask designed to protect against carbon monoxide and other toxic gases emitting from underground mine fires or explosions.
30 CFR 75.1714-8 -- Reporting SCSR inventory and malfunctions ...
A mine operator shall report to MSHA any defect, performance problem, or malfunction with the use of an SCSR. The report shall include a detailed description of the problem and, for each SCSR involved, the information required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
Rescuers 08: MSA W-65 to MSA LIFESAVER 60 - Archive.org
2014年12月31日 · As one navigates through the DVD, anyone can access additional computer based training of Self-Contained Self-Rescuers (SCSR’s) Interactive Training Courses. This interactive DVD also contains Mine Health and Safety Simulation Exercises, which uses real-world examples taken from actual mine incidents.
Self-contained self-rescue device - Wikipedia
A self-contained self-rescue device, SCSR, self-contained self-rescuer, or air pack is a type of closed-circuit SCBA [1] with a portable oxygen source for providing breathable air when the surrounding atmosphere lacks oxygen or is contaminated with toxic gases, e.g. carbon monoxide.
M-20 Emergency Escape Breathing Device | Ocenco Safety
The M-20 is a belt-wearable Self Contained Self Rescuer (SCSR) that is field-proven for use in mines, tunnels, and confined spaces. The simple and easy donning allows the user to obtain respiratory protection in less than ten seconds.
Self Contained Self Rescuer (SCSR) Inventory and Report
2015年4月15日 · MSHA maintains an inventory of all reported SCSR information to assure the effectiveness of evacuation plans and emergency evacuations. In addition, such an inventory will assist in targeting SCSR recalls to specific mines.
manufacturer/model, enter date of manufacture, serial number and report date. If "other MSHA -approved SCSR" is selected, write in the manufacture/model. The use of this form is voluntary in complying with 75.1714 -8.
MSA 696758 Support System, Scsr, Medium - TestEquipmentUSA
Enables miner to carry cap lamp battery pack, filter self-rescuer, SCSR, tools, etc, on the job 1 in reflective strip sewn over 2 in nylon strap makes support system highly visible 8