NT555r vs ET Street SS? | Page 2 | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand ...
2017年8月16日 · I understand it's all about what kind of goals you want. My goals are just to be able to drive the damned thing at this point without thinking I will suffer...
Fast standalone and laptop | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand …
2016年6月27日 · Im going to be ordering my fast system friday and is a laptop always gonna be needed?Is the fast controller that mounts like a gps enough or are both needed to tune properly??
SD2 AC and radiator fan | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand …
2016年3月30日 · I just switched to SD2 chip. I noticed that when I turn on the AC the radiator fan does not come on. I get the check mark for the AC on the power logger but it does not check the box for the fan. The fan does not run. The fan will run when the coolant temp reaches the set point. Once the...
tps and tv cable issue | Page 2 | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand ...
2012年7月3日 · The tps will reach 4.98 volts with the TV cable disconnected.
Removing timing cover | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand …
2015年3月13日 · The distributor is seized in the cover which I want to remove as it has a piece missing where the dist hold down bolt goes. I wonder if I unbolt the cover am I able to remove it with the dist still in it. With great effort I can turn the dist …
ac compressor help? | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand National
2012年2月3日 · I want to replace my old compressor with a new one. It looks like that there is a lot to take off-up pipe, downpipe, passenger side valve cover, etc.
ALKY and launch | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand National | T …
2015年7月27日 · When you guys are building boost do you have your ALKY starting to spray after you leave or while staged. Mine starts spraying at 5psi full duty cycle at 22 psi this set up works good on the street could it hurt my launch if I'm trying to leave at 8-10 psi? I …
Fuel pressure and Voltage | Page 2 | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick …
2012年6月22日 · Like I said,you need more voltage. your generator is falling of way more than it should so you need to fix the one you have or replace it. When you get a generator that produces power like it should and doesn't fall off,it might be enough …
Intake gaskets | Turbo Buick Forum | Buick Grand National | T-Type ...
2017年6月12日 · what type intake manifold gaskets should I use on my rebuild? R. robertf Active Member
High BLM's after Translater and 3 1/2 sensor | Turbo Buick Forum ...
2002年3月23日 · After installing the translater+ and 3 1/2 ls1 sensor Ive been having high blm numbers. At idle when the blm and integrater peg 150 the idle drops and almost stalls. IAC high reading was 7 dont remember maf #'s no extender chip running lubrant street chip last time I checked fuel press...