Green and sustainable science - MSD
We utilize an innovative “green-by-design” development strategy to progress from a synthetic route to a fully optimized and sustainable commercial manufacturing process — we call it our …
Green chemistry programs and initiatives - MSD
We calculate the target PMI values for any API based on the chemical structure, with the aim to set aggressive targets to drive innovations in green chemistry. By utilizing this tool, chemists …
Sustainability - MSD
We provide financial and product donations to help advance health equity, support local communities and address critical social needs. We invest in funds and companies working to …
Louisville Green Nitrogen Fertilizer | MSD
MSD produces an organic-based nitrogen fertilizer called Louisville Green. It is created from the biosolids removed from wastewater as it undergoes treatment in our five Wastewater Quality …
PPR Global Research and Expertise Network (PPR-GREN) …
2021年4月23日 · Organized by the FAO/OIE PPR Secretariat, this virtual meeting aims to inform everyone interested in PPR control, from researchers to those implementing vaccination …
默沙东(中国)投资有限公司官网 - Msdchina
默沙东致力于增进人类和动物的健康和福祉,让更多的人可受益于我们的药品和疫苗。 我们每个人都对提供高质量的产品和服务承担责任。 我们的卓越取决于诚信、知识、想象、技能、多元 …
Green Infrastructure Program | MSD
MSD’s Green Infrastructure Program locates, builds or incentivizes opportunities for green installations. This lessens the need and the cost of additional infrastructure like storage tanks, …
Фирма МСД ГРИЙН ООД (MSD GREEN Ltd.) ЕИК 206602617
2021年7月30日 · Фирма МСД ГРИЙН ООД на латиница "MSD GREEN Ltd." с ЕИК/ПИК 206602617 е основана на 30 Юли 2021 година с правна форма "Дружество с ограничена …
默沙东诊疗手册<!-- -->
该手册于 1899 年首次出版,目前在美国和加拿大以外地区称为《MSD诊疗手册》,是世界上使用最广泛的医学信息资源之一。 我们坚信,取得健康信息是人人都应享受的权利,并且人人都 …
干燥综合征 - 肌肉骨骼及结缔组织疾病 - MSD诊疗手册专业版
干燥综合征(Sjögren syndrome )是一种原因不明的,较为常见的,慢性系统性自身免疫性疾病。 其特征是由于外分泌腺的淋巴细胞浸润和继发性腺体功能障碍而导致口腔、眼睛和其他粘膜干 …