OLI MESIN BEKAS Oli mesin bekas dapat mengandung komponen yang berpotensi mengakibatkan kanker kulit. Baca Informasi Toksikologis, bagian 11 dari Lembar Data keamanan ini. Elemen label termasuk pernyataan kehati-hatian Tanggal terbit Nama produkCastrol GTX 10W-40 Kode produk Halaman: 1/9 Versi Format Bahasa Indonesia GHS - …
Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately if irritation persists. Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water while removing all contaminated clothes and shoes. In the case of skin irritation or allergic reactions see a physician. Remove from exposure, lie down.
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifiers Product name : Olive Oil CAS-No. : 8001-25-0
Material Safety Data Sheet Olive oil ACC# 17327 Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification MSDS Name: Olive oil Catalog Numbers: AC416540000, AC416540250, AC416545000, S80111 Synonyms: Olive oil (edible). Company Identification: Fisher Scientific 1 Reagent Lane Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 For information, call: 201-796-7100 Emergency ...
Komponen oli dasar -- Diduga memiliki sifat bisa terurai secara biologis • Potensi Bioakumulasi Produk ini diperkirakan tidak akan terbioakumulasi melalui rantai makanan
To maintain product quality, do not store in heat or direct sunlight. 1. Olive oil (CAS: 8001-25-0)
MSDS Oli Sae 10 W | PDF - Scribd
Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang Meditran S 10W, minyak pelumas produksi Pertamina. 2. Diberikan informasi komposisi, bahaya, tindakan pertolongan pertama, penanganan kebakaran, tumpahan, penanganan dan penyimpanan, serta data fisika dan kimia. 3.
Download PDS / MSDS - Sumber Bumi Pratama
Download File MSDS. MSDS Pertamina ATF MSDS-Rored EPA 140 MSDS-Rored EPA 90 MSDS-Rored HDA 140 MSDS-Rored HDA 90 MSDS-Rored MTF 80W 90. 5. Industrial Gear Oils, Hydraulic Oils & Turbine Oils. Download Spek Product File PDF. Download File MSDS. Masri. MSDS-Masri FLG 220 MSDS-Masri RG 100 MSDS-Masri RG 1000
Msds Oli NG Lube Sae40 | PDF | Toxicity | Water - Scribd
Msds Oli Ng Lube Sae40 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides a material safety data sheet for NG-Lube 40, a petroleum product produced by PERTAMINA. It lists the product ingredients, identifies health and physical hazards, and provides handling instructions.
Komponen oli dasar -- Daya larut rendah, mengambang dan diduga berpindah dari air ke darat. Diduga terpecah menjadi endapan dan partikel air limbah. Persistensi dan Degradasi Biodegradasi: Komponen oli dasar -- Diduga memiliki sifat bisa terurai secara biologis Potensi Bioakumulasi Produk ini diperkirakan tidak akan terbioakumulasi melalui ...
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