Maritime Sign Language (MSL) - handspeak.com
Maritime Sign Language (MSL) is an endangered language, used by Deaf people in the Atlantic provinces in eastern Canada. Richard Martell, a Deaf resident of Nova Scotia, posted the following information on his Facebook page "Maritime Sign Language":
How the deaf community is preserving Maritime Sign Language
2019年12月31日 · People in the deaf community in Nova Scotia are documenting Maritime Sign Language on video, including it in plays and teaching it to interpreting students whenever possible.
Mongolian Sign Language - Wikipedia
Mongolian Sign Language (MSL; Mongolian: Монгол дохионы хэл, romanized: Mongol dokhiony khel) is a sign language used in Mongolia. Ethnologue estimates that there are between 9,000 and 15,000 deaf signers in Mongolia as of 2019. [3]
Bilingual resources for Moroccan Sign Language ... - ACL Anthology
This paper presents a set of bilingual Standard Arabic (SA)-Moroccan Sign Language (MSL) tools and resources to improve Moroccan Deaf children’s SA skills. An MSL Generator based on rule-based machine translation (MT) is described that enables users and educators of Deaf children, in particular, to enter Arabic text and generate its ...
E-Sign Language: An Approach For Communities To Learn …
Currently, Malaysian Sign Language (MSL) is the primary language for the deaf community as it is the official sign language in Malaysia. However, the awareness among the Malaysian communities in communicating with deaf individuals is still lacking.
The Survival of Maritime Sign Language | Papers from the Annual …
1998年6月6日 · This paper explores the history and the structure of MSL as compared to ASL, and the early documentation of the heritage and the natural sign language of the Deaf Maritimers.
How the deaf community is preserving Maritime Sign …
2021年4月4日 · People in the deaf community in Nova Scotia are documenting Maritime Sign Language on video, including it in plays and teaching it to interpreting students whenever possible. Maritime Sign Language is still used by older people in Atlantic Canada, but it hasn’t been passed down to younger people, who are taught American Sign Language.
Republic of Mauritius - African Sign Languages Resource Center
A school for the deaf was founded in Beau Bassin in 1969 and then MSL is reported as starting to emerge (Adone 2007). It is not clear how many other schools provide education for deaf children. The University of Mauritius has apparently offered some MSL instruction.
Sociery for the Welfare of the Deaf - swdmauritius.org
The UN supports the Linguistic Human rights for the Deaf which include their right to the sign language of their country. The project on the Development of Mauritian Sign Language (MSL) started in August 2002 through the NCRD and the Ministry of Social Security.
Endangered Languages Project - Maritime Sign Language
ASL is quickly encroaching on MSL and is now the dominant language for Deaf people in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. There are an estimated fewer than 100 MSL users."