医学联络官(Medical Science Liaison)是做什么的? - 知乎
MSL需要大量时间出差,通常70%的时间在办公室外面与意见领袖(Key opinion leader, KOL)会面,剩下的30% 的时间在办公室里,获取相关医疗领域的最新发展动态。 上市前,MSL在产品上市阶段会帮助KOL理解 临床数据,和他们沟通介绍药品的相关专业知识,例如帮助他们理解临床试验结果,展示药品 efficacy, effectiveness, safety 的相关信息;药品上市后,一旦药品获得新的适应症批准, MSL也会与KOL进行沟通。 MSL 与医学顾问 (Medical Advisor)有什么不一样的地 …
MSL (Global) - LinkedIn
MSL is the most powerful influence engine for brands, companies and leaders. The agency is an award-winning global public relations firm focused on building influence to deliver meaningful impact...
What is a Medical Science Liaison? - MSL Society
Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) were first established by Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in 1967 as a response to the need for scientifically trained field staff that would be able to build rapport with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in various therapeutic areas of research.
MSLGROUP - Wikipedia
MSLGROUP is a public relations (PR) network of companies. Specialists in strategic communications and engagement, the company is part of the French multinational Publicis Groupe. It evolved as a merger of Publicis Consultants and Manning Selvage & Lee (thus, the "MSL" in the name). [1]
Medical Science Liaison Society - LinkedIn
Advancing the global MSL profession with members in 90+ countries. First Certification for MSLs and MSL leaders-MSL-BC®. The Medical Science Liaison Society is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit...
Home | MSL
We are a global collective of modern communicators who are building the brands and leaders of tomorrow. Our business is making our clients – of all shapes and sizes – more influential. And our passion is shaping and evolving the public relations industry and what PR can accomplish. 40 countries. 100 offices. 2,000 employees.
明思力集团 | 领英 - 领英 (中国)
MSL is the most powerful influence engine for brands, companies and leaders. The agency is an award-winning global public relations firm focused on building influence to deliver meaningful impact...
MSL (Global): Culture - LinkedIn
MSL is the most powerful influence engine for brands, companies and leaders. The agency is an award-winning global public relations firm focused on building influence to deliver meaningful impact...
Our People | MSL China
Creative Director, Shanghai, MSLGROUP China . Merry Meng. Director, Beijing, MSLGROUP China
Who we are | MSL Canada
MSL is Publicis Groupe's singular, best-in-class public relations agency. We create superior offerings, drive business for our clients, and accelerate transformation using the Groupe’s ‘Power of One' model.