MSN in 1999 - Web Design Museum
Take a look back at the MSN in 1999. Discover a collection of iconic websites from the 1990s at the Web Design Museum.
MSN Messenger: A Nostalgic Look Back at a Staple of the 2000s
2021年9月10日 · Originally launched in 1999, the instant messaging platform was an at-the-time groundbreaking medium that acted as a Whatsapp-Facebook-Tinder mashup for young teenagers who were, more often than not, logged on from old, clunky computers strategically located in the living room to prevent them from obtaining enough privacy to access adult content.
MSN: 16 Weird Things We Did On Messenger In High School
2021年10月21日 · If you grew up in the '00s, then MSN was probably a huge part of your high school experience. And there was a lot of weird things we did on MSN as teens. Logging in and out to get your crush's attention was the '00s equivalent of …
17 things only MSN Messenger addicts will remember
2016年10月31日 · Having launched back in 1999 MSN Messenger, the only means of contact for 90s and 00s teens, s urvived for 15 years before finally being killed off on this day, October 31, back in 2014. MSN...
Early 2000's: Good old MSN messenger - first thing you would ... - Reddit
The MSN Groups sites, MSN Messenger, MSN video chat... there was a point in time when my family moved across the country without any real warning for a whole year. I was in 6th grade. Every single one of my friends were online friends that year, primarily through a text-based Dragonball RPG on MSN Groups.
'00s Trends We Love - MSN
It wasn't all bad!
A Gen-Z guide to MSN Messenger - indy100
2023年10月1日 · Released in 1999, MSN only had the capability to host text-only conversations through a desktop computer, but this soon grew into a whole new world of interactivity. By early 2001, MSN Messenger had more than 29 million unique users worldwide, making it the most-used messenger in the world.
30 of pop music's best songs from the '00s - MSN
I don't know about you, but to me, pop music in the 2000s was just different than it is today. If you need some inspiration for your throwback playlist, you can check out some of the best pop songs...
In The 00s's Highlighted Topics
In The 00s's Highlighted Topics This is a moderated discussion board for a wide range of pop culture topics. We got our start as an 80s only board, but have branched out to discuss other decades (past and present).