Degree Programs - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Missouri S&T offers bachelor of science (BS) and bachelor of arts (BA) degrees. You can major in engineering, science, business, or the liberal arts. You can get a background for law or medicine or other professional studies.
MA, MSc, Mres,MSt……这些都代表着什么?海外硕士学位详解
专科/进修型硕士学位(Specialised or advanced study master's degrees)通常就是大家所熟悉的授课型硕士,以上课为主,虽然通常有至少三分之一的课程和以论文为主的研究项目有关。这类硕士招生规模最大,学制通常为1年(3学期),少部分为9个月(2学期)。它们通常 ...
Master of Studies - Wikipedia
A Master of Studies or Master in Studies (M.St., MSt, or MStud; Latin: Magister Studiorum) [1] [2] is the holder of a postgraduate degree awarded by the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of St Andrews, the Australian National University, the University of Dublin, New Saint Andrews College, [3] and the University of ...
Master of Studies | Postgraduate Study
The Master of Studies (MSt) is a part-time master's degree, designed for individuals who are typically studying in addition to working full-time, allowing students to develop their professional and academic interests for career progression or for diversification and personal development.
Academic Programs – Future Students - Missouri S&T
We offer diverse areas of study in business, computing, education, engineering, information technology, the liberal arts and humanities, and the physical and social sciences. Missouri S&T is an equal opportunity employer.
Master's Degrees - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Missouri S&T offers the master of science degree, the master of business administration degree (MBA), the master of engineering degree, the master of science for teachers degree, and the master of arts degree (offered in cooperation with the University of Missouri-St. Louis).
What's the difference between an MSc and an MSt?
A Master’s of Studies (MSt) is a part-time degree awarded at the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford. Cambridge does not have an MSc award, and at Cambridge and Oxford, a Master of Arts (MA) is an honorary qualification.
2024-2025 Curriculum and Catalog < Missouri University of …
Explore Degrees. The Explore Degrees site publishes degree requirements, University requirements, as well as information on S&T's departments and programs. Undergraduate Graduate
Programs – Graduate Education - Missouri S&T
Unlock advanced education options at Missouri S&T, from graduate degrees to specialized certificates. Browse programs. Fast-track your progress to a graduate degree with our programs for exceptional undergraduates. Explore programs. Take courses across UM campuses with a streamlined visiting graduate student application process. Explore program.
degreeprograms – Office of the Registrar | Missouri S&T
Current list of degree programs, minors, and certificates. Eight-semester plans for each degree program. Entrance requirements for undergraduate degree programs. Undergraduate Program Search. Graduate Program Search