Max Speed Technology-PRODUCTCARS - DRIFT FXX 2.0 FXX 2.0 S - rc-mst…
MST開發團隊全新整合設計,承襲至FXX 2.0 KMW重心集中化的車身配置與更接近真實飄移賽車的前置動力後輪驅動系統。 採用專為後驅飄移車設計的新式前懸吊及大角度轉向系統,更導入能產生後輪角度幾何變化的MB後懸吊系統,重新調整的二次減速比優化了油門的控制;全新世代FXX 2.0 S創造出驚人的進化,MST開發團隊希望能帶給玩家享受更多的操控樂趣! If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history …
MST FXX 2.0 S 1/10 2WD Drift Car Kit w/Clear BMW E92 Body
The MST FXX 2.0 S 1/10 2WD Drift Car Kit with clear E92 Body combines the centralized chassis configuration of the FXX 2.0 KMW, with a redesigned motor forward transmission configuration and front suspension system to create an amazingly progressive driving experience.
MST FXX 可增加配重尾扰流和防倾杆评测 - RCFans
RCFans MST FXX 可增加配重尾扰流和防倾杆评测 - Powered by Discuz! 比赛过了。 还有一些配件还没测试。 逐渐来。 今天不想写那么多文字了。 我用了视频去讲讲加了防倾杆和没有加的区别。 在视频里边跑。 边讲解。 大家可以看看车子的反应。 当然我不会刻意的去做到掉头和推头的效果。 请相信我。 先看看尾扰流。 两个扰流的重量原初是一样的。 22克。 这次比赛每个轮子一个秤。 后面的2个轮子的数字不能超过1000克。 我加了将近100克在车尾。 车子后面的秤显示 …
MST FXX 2.0 Sport Drift 2WD KIT - rcteam.com
The new FXX 2.0 chassis in sports version from Max Speed Technologie allows you to build a high-performance 1/10 scale radio-controlled drift car. Version to be assembled without electronics. Engine in front position with rear-wheel drive transmission. The configuration allows the vehicle to have behavior close to real-size cars.
MST FXX 2.0 S 1/10 2WD Drift Car Kit w/Clear Toyota JZ3 Body
The MST FXX 2.0 S 1/10 2WD Drift Car Kit with clear JZ3 Body combines the centralized chassis configuration of the FXX 2.0 KMW, with a redesigned motor forward transmission configuration and front suspension system to create an amazingly progressive driving experience.
Max Speed Technology-MST
Upgrade Your RC Performance with These Releases! Discover Our Latest High-Performance Gear Sets and Components! Introducing the Latest Carbon Option Parts for Our New FRX KIT!
【無'陀螺仪】MST FXX-D S 第一次下地跑图 [原厂无任何OP]
车架:MST FXXD S 轮胎:最硬的漂移太皮, 地面:光滑的大理石地砖. 陀螺仪:无 送原装水果链:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzIwNDYwMTE2.html
MST 1/10 FXX 2.0 S LBMT Front Motor RWD Shaft Driven
This is MST 1/10 FXX 2.0 S LBMT Front Motor RWD Shaft Driven Drift Car Kit EP w/ Clear Body. New integrated design of the MST development team inherits the centralized chassis configuration of the FXX 2.0 KMW center of gravity and the new great amount front suspension system closer to the real drift car.
MST FXX 2.0 RWD 1/10 RC Drift Car Chassis Kit - #532183 - Drift …
MST FXX 2.0 RWD 1/10 RC Drift Car Chassis Kit - #532183. New integrated design of the MST development team inherits the centralized chassis configuration of the FXX 2.0 KMW centre of gravity and the new great amount front suspension system closer to the real drift car.
Max Speed Technology-PRODUCTCARS - DRIFT FXX 2.0 - rc-mst…
532183G 1/10 scale RWD Electric Shaft Driven Car KIT. 532183F 1/10 scale RWD Electric Shaft Driven Car KIT. test